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    posted a message on [Data] Search effect with attack command and range circle

    that doesnt work for me :(. there is a field UI - range display flags but that has a different function

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    posted a message on Phoenix behaviour.

    so there really is no other way? there has to be, since the phoenix doesnt use a turret.

    i looked at the phoenix in the editor but i cant see how it always faces in the direction its firing - any ideas?

    edit: actually the phoenix does use a turret, but only in melee, not when you have your map dependent on campaign

    i tried to copy that turret and actor for my marine but still no go

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Search effect with attack command and range circle

    im searching for the radius effect as well and cant locate it, any help would be nice

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    posted a message on sound not travelling far enough


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    posted a message on make a unit faster while it attacks

    for testing purposes i tried attacking effects to the add behavior effect and even those do not get executed

    if i apply effects directly to the set effects they do get executed, so it has to be the add behavior effect thats bugged

    what confuses me a bit are all the target marker fields in the apply behavior effects. are they important? what do they do?

    edit: it works now. i swear to god the editor is handling weirdly, like it sometimes doesnt register all my recent changes when i click on test to launch sc2.

    either that or im too stoned, anyways, it works now

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on make a unit faster while it attacks

    thats exactly what i did, but my behaviour never gets applied :(, what could i have done wrong

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    posted a message on make a unit faster while it attacks

    i tried making units faster while they are attacking (they can move while attacking)

    i made a set effect combining the damage effect of the weapon and an apply behaviour effect - is this basically the right way to do it?

    i made a new behaviour that changes the movement speed of the unit, but i cant get it to work. any thoughts? is there an easier way maybe?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on making units randomly miss

    finally did it. its not hard at all

    create a persistent effect with random offsets

    make this effect run your launch missile effect

    give the launch missile effect a finish effect with splash damage

    HOWEVER: this will not work if a) validators in any of your components prevent the effect from running, so best just delete them all b) for the launch missile effect the impact location has to be set to "target point" and the source location to "caster unit". OTHERWISE NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. thats basically what made me try around for 3 days

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on making units randomly miss

    ok, i made some progress in the last 3 days but im still unable to do what i want

    basically what i did now is give the weapon projectile a behaviour that times out randomly and makes it explode with splash damage. this way, the weapon will not always explode directly at the target unit, but at random points in front or in the back of it

    i changed the mover of the projectile to ballistic, so it doesnt auto-hit. is there any way to introduce a random offset in the mover? i tried giving it a wave overlay over the ballistic mover, but it still always hits if the target unit doesnt move

    so basically im looking for a way to make my missile travel not to the target location but to random points around it - anybody got any idea how to do this?

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    posted a message on [Data] Customized Movers (Advanced Difficulty)

    devilesk did you find a way to make what you wanted yet cuz im needing the same thing

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on how to switch actors

    thanks, that cleared things up for me

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    posted a message on how to switch actors

    thats the problem- when i open the effect i do not see any events+ field on the right hand side

    i have all the "view" options enabled so it cant be that either

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    posted a message on how to switch actors

    im a little bit confused as to how exactly actors are linked to effects. if i right click on an actor in the left panel and select "explain link", it tells me its linked to "events"

    however, i cannot find "events" in the right hand panel. any ideas?

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    posted a message on create a damage effect with random offset

    i have a weapon that creates a persistent effect on impact

    the persistent effect runs a damage effect (arclite siege tank blast) - so far so good, this works

    however, when i add random offsets to the persistent effects the siege tank blast never shows

    i cant get this to work with any damage effect, however if i pick high templar - psi storm (persistent) as the periodic effect, the weapon works again - it creates psi storms at random points around the target

    is there a restriction on what class of effects can be called using random offsets, or am i missing something?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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