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    posted a message on Pathing/Remove Pathing

    @toddii: Go

    Doh! I had the grid on when I was doing it so I couldn't see the pathing being applied. Thank you!

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    posted a message on Pathing/Remove Pathing


    I've got a section of my map I'm working on that has a ruined/overgrown section with walls used from the Doodad list (Ruined Wall). Unfortunately units can walk right through them which is not something I want them to be capable of doing. When I go to Pathing - Painted Pathing, neither "No Pathing" or "Ground" work to "Remove Pathing". Oddly enough when I got to "Add Pathing" and paint over something that is red, like a tree or another Doodad, it does indeed add pathing. Is there something I need to do before I can remove pathing to prevent units from traveling through walls?

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    posted a message on Setting up forces/teams?

    Thanks Jim, that does indeed help. You'd think there was an easier way to do it, guess not.

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    posted a message on Setting up forces/teams?

    I can't seem to find anything on setting up teams except "Team Placement" in the map menu, but it doesn't seem to be what I want. Is there a way to set up teams before the game starts and name them like we could in the WC3 Editor? (Like team 1 is defenders, team 2 is attackers type deal, and then throw players 1-4 on team 1 ect). I know I can set alliances on map initialization but I was just wondering if you can do it before the map even starts.

    Thanks in advance!

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    posted a message on Unit sound missing?

    I've messed around with the DE a bit and got about half way to an answer. I changed the view of my data editor and everything got a tad bit more easy to read, but I still have a problem. I went down to "Sound - Sounds" where all the unit responses are held and I noticed a majority of Zealot (I made a test Zealot) sounds are missing that aren't missing in the stock Zealot.

    For example, in the Index box it asks for responses to things like Attack and Birth, however when I browse the sounds, go down to Zealot, there are only about half of the unit responses available (Attack, Attack_NP (unnamed), AttackImpact, AttackLaunch, Charge, Death, Death_NP (unnamed), DeathFX, Help, Pissed, Ready, Read_NP (unnamed), What, What_NP (unnamed), and Yes). Things like Birth and Movement are missing, among other sounds. However when I go to the standard Zealot, these sounds are being used and are apparently plugged in, I just can't find them.

    Am I doing something wrong? Can someone please help me out, this is very frustrating?

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    posted a message on Unit sound missing?

    I've just started using Galaxy a couple of hours ago and have been trying to get the hang of it. I watched a tutorial on creating a unit (something which was SIMPLE in both the SC editor and WC3 editor) and still don't completely understand why it's so f*ing difficult, but I managed to get one in game...sort of. I created a unit based off the Stalker, the only difference being the name (I named it Stalker N), but for whatever reason when I "link" the unit to actor the sound is lost in the process. When I run the map, the unit responses are completely missing but everything else seems to work.

    It seems to happen right about when I change the unitName to that of the custom unit (in this case Stalker to "StalkerN"), I see a whole bunch of stuff change in the "Sound" tab in the bottom left box. I've tried this with another unit (a High Templar) and it does the same thing. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but I'm following the tutorials (which are running an older version of the editor) instructions perfectly and it still does this.

    Can someone help me out?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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