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    posted a message on How to detect a dialog button is pressed?
    Event: Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked
    Actions: Your Actions...

    In your Action Triggering Unit doesent work because there is NO Unit that triggers the Dialog item only the Player can use Dialogitems :) So you need to specify your Unit with a Variable or directly. And replace the "Triggering Unit" with the UnitVar or the Unit itself:)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it impossible to remove 2 units from region?

    When i think about it it could be easier done without Variables

    Event: Unit enters Region X
    Condition: NULL
    IF(Unittype of Triggerin Unit == Space-Marine) OR (Unitype of Triggerin Unit == Berserk)
          THEN (Pick every Unit in Region X) 
                    IF(Picked Unit Unitype == Space-Marine AND (Picked Unit Unitype == Berserk) 
                        THEN(Remove Picked Unit)

    This could be working too BUT it is much more unspecific so every time a Unit enters the Region it checks the Unitype is one of the Unitype Space-Marine or Berserk then it Picks every Unit in Region X and only if both Unitypes are in the Region then only both Types getting deleted.

    In Theory you move one Space-Marine in the Region it checks nothing happens. you move the second Marine in nothing Happens you move a Berserk in Both Spacemarine and the Berserk get deleted.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it impossible to remove 2 units from region?

    Did you try to make an OR condition? plus 2 variables?

    UnitOne (UnitVar) UnitTwo(UnitVar)

    CONDITION 1 (UnitType of Triggering Unit == Space-Marine) OR CONDITION 2 (Unitype of Triggerin Unit == Berserk)

    So both can actually be TRIGGERIN UNIT.

    IF (Triggering Unit == Spacemarine )THEN( set UnitOne == Triggering Unit )ELSE nothing

    IF (Triggering Unit == Berserk )THEN( set UnitTwo == Triggering Unit )ELSE nothing

    i dont know ig thats works but then you can make a "Wait until condition"-action to check if both Unitypes are in the Region.

    WAIT UNTIL CONDTION1 (UnitOne is in Region X) AND CONDTION2 (UnitTwo is in Region X)

    Remove UnitOne Remove UnitTwo

    I Dont really know if thats could work but i think it is a start :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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