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    posted a message on Bank Signatures - Secure or Not?
    Quote from BasharTeg: Go

    People just open banks in notepad and modify the data there. They don't actually modify the signature.

    That wont work for them because when you verify the signature it will fail.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank Signatures - Secure or Not?

    I've been reading posts here and getting some conflicting information on bank signatures. So are they secure or not?

    Is it true that the signature is generated based on the data in the bank file, the bank name, the map name, the current player name AND the author name?

    If that is true, then how can they be so easily hacked? Even if you copy the bank file and load it to write back to it, your author name will change and so should the signature, creating an invalid signature when you copy the bank file back.

    What am I missing?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Library] STARCODE v1.4

    Hey guys, is the encryption in Starcode working correctly? I tried to encrypt the same number using two different passwords but it resulted in the same encryption string.

    Perhaps I am doing something wrong, or there is a specific password length required?

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Tracking amount healed?

    How is the direct spell easy to do? What if your spell heals for 50, but the unit only needs 10 health healed. I need to record that 10 health was healed and not 50. Is there a way to determine how much was actually healed by the spell?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tracking amount healed?

    Yeah I don't think that is correctly defined as lag though, there is a massive overhead when running a debugger that you don't get when running the game without it.

    I'm mostly concerned about latency lag I guess, I'm not 100% sure how the client-server is setup for SC2.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tracking amount healed?

    Thanks, currently I'm detecting when hitpoints change. I've disabled regeneration on the majority of units so it might not lag too much, and I have conditionals that should break it out of the trigger pretty early. I can also just turn this trigger on/off just when someone uses a particular spell if the lag is an issue.

    But yeah that's pretty much how I've done it with behaviours for one of them, not necessary for the channel healing though. Couldn't see an event to detect when a unit was the target of a spell unfortunately.

    Is there any way to tell if it will be laggy? Some debug monitoring?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tracking amount healed?

    Thanks, but I also wouldn't be able to determine who did the healing.

    To clarify, I have a hero unit with multiple heal abilities. I need to track how much healing the Hero does to other units. There doesn't seem to be a simple way to do this, it is possible but is a bit of mucking around, was hoping for something similar.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tracking amount healed?

    Hey all, does anyone know of a way to track the amount healed by a unit?

    I have a couple of abilities, one that channels healing and one that instant heals a chunk of life, but would like to be able to track this via triggers. I can kinda track the channelled healing in a round about way, but the instant heal seems a bit more difficult, particularly because I need to know the actual amount healed.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Battle for Sky fortress now live!

    Hey guys, here is a sneak peak at the new Hero Selection interface. Still a bit to go but we are much, much closer now! (The changelog is finally longer than the to-do list )

    Check it out here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Battle-for-Skyfortress/152860634773825

    Also if you like what you see please do "Like" our facebook page, it would be much appreciated, and it is easier to keep you all updated over there.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Create/change terrain tiles at runtime?

    Yeah more after the best workaround, for example it is technically possible to give players the ability to build a path on the ground by creating a unit wherever they click (the unit would have no collision etc) of a unit with a grass model.

    Not sure how feasible it is, or at what point (e.g. 500 units per player) it might have an effect on performance?.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create/change terrain tiles at runtime?

    Does anyone know if you can/how it's possible to change terrain textures at runtime. For example let's say I want to change a square of terrain at a point to grass.

    A couple of methods I have considered: - Create actors via triggers at the point, the actor would contain a grass model or something - Create units without collision at those points (probably no advantage to this over actors) - Somehow create splat actors using grass etc textures.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Some questions:

    For 3) If you look at the events of the ATTACK actor, you might notice the Effect.Something > Create part. The problem is that you need to specify which part of the effect to create it as opposed to (Any).

    So change Effect.LaunchMissile.(Any) > Create, to Effect.LaunchMissile.Launch > Create.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Battle for Sky fortress now live!

    Hey guys, new video is up showing the weapon upgrade system and shop interface. Be sure to check it out!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Warning Requestor Scope

    Hi all, just sorting through all of the new error messages that the new patch is throwing out. This one I'm not sure how to fix:

    "WARNING: Must use Implicit Scope keyword when requestor was not created by an effect. Requestor: "

    Basically I have an ability and actor model that is created when you use the ability.

    So in the actor event I have Ability.SomeAbility.TargetPrepareStart -> Create

    That is the part throwing the error, however the ability works fine and the actor is created correctly.

    Any idea how to fix this error message?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Battle for Sky fortress now live!

    Hi Farcore, we are working on a major update at the moment, once that is out I will look at making it available on the EU server as well.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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