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    posted a message on Is there a way to find the values of units that are already placed in a scene?

    I'm having a hard time wording this question to make it clear, so I'll give out an example to hopefully help. I've created a record to store all items that are dropped by units when they die. I can fill the data in this record easily by just making a trigger that fires upon any unit's death.

    The thing I haven't been able to figure out so far, is how I fill the record with the data of items that are preloaded in the scene as well. Is there a way to search through all of the items/units that are currently placed in the scene? Or am I doomed to have to manually fill the record data every time I want to have an item in the scene, with out having it dropped by an enemy.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Anyone know how to search through a record with something similar to a for loop?

    @Orothin: Go

    Bah there it is.. found the "while" command which should do the trick! Can't believe I passed over that one.

    So yeah.. if anyone's wondering how to do an iterative check.. use that function!

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Anyone know how to search through a record with something similar to a for loop?

    Currently I have a record with an array size of 10 that has 3 variables in it which are unitType, a text string, and a text tag. These are loaded up on Melee Initialization.

    Does anyone know how I can search through this record array to see if any of the unitTypes in this record match the value I'm trying to compare it to? Basically what I'm asking is.. is there a simple way to do a for loop to search through this record, or do I have to do a bunch of triggers that feed off eachother to simulate a loop.

    Basically all I'm trying to do here is store off a text tag and kill it off at a later date since "Last Created Text Tag" wont work for me due to the order of how I'm creating these tags. If there's an easy way to get a text tag that has been assigned to a unit so I can destroy.. I'd love to know, but for now I'm assuming I need to store the text tag so that I can kill it off at a later date and not worry about the order it was created.

    So yeah.. Even if there is some simple solution for dealing with text tags that completely avoids having to store the data in records.. I'd still love to know if there is a way to search through records to find a match of specified value, since I'm sure it'll come up again in the future.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Trigger Libraries in Mods, linked to maps

    My guess from reading this is that the editor is a lot less lenient with trigger errors when involving libraries. By that I mean.. if there is an error at all in a library, that entire library stops functioning. The editor seems quirky enough to do something to that level of overkill in my eyes.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Is it possible for two people to work on a single map mod at once

    @ZeroAme: Go

    What's this TeamViewer thing you're mentioning about? Is there a link that could point me towards learning more about it?

    Forgive me if its some place obvious on this site.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it possible for two people to work on a single map mod at once

    @KratsAU: Go

    Man you rock. Thanks a ton for your help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it possible for two people to work on a single map mod at once

    Ok awesome. From a quick glance.. it looks like you can't set up triggers in a mod? (not a big deal since those are easy to copy and paste over.. the units are the real problem)

    Is the Data module basically the only thing that's changeable in a mod, aside from some map settings I'm assuming?


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it possible for two people to work on a single map mod at once

    What I mean by this, is if its possible for someone to work on the terrain layout on their computer, while another person works on creating the data like custom units and triggers and the like.

    Obviously in this case one or the other would have to be able to import the other's changes. So my question is if anyone knows if something like this is possible. I'd assume there's a way to import terrain data or ways to save off custom units but I'm having a hard time finding any info on it. I don't need a graceful solution.. just A solution if there is one at all.

    Thanks in advance!


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What causes the ID field for Units, or the unitName field for Actors to become grayed and unmodifiable?

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Ahh alrighty..

    Is there any chance anyone may know what triggers this bug to happen in order to avoid it? Or a way to get around this bug and be able to modify an object's ID some other way? Or unlock the field?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What causes the ID field for Units, or the unitName field for Actors to become grayed and unmodifiable?

    I've been trying to follow instructions on a couple of tutorials here so far, and I keep getting hampered by some values becoming unmodifiable.

    For example, one tutorial instructed me to copy and paste a Stalker actor, and for some reason the ID field when trying to modify the object had "Stalker2" in it, and was grayed out/unmodifiable with the suggest button grayed out as well.

    I've also seen this when trying to modify an actors token "unitName" for another tutorial. The token properties window that displayed when trying to modify the unitName was entirely grayed out and unmodifiable.

    Some cases when trying to make new versions of Marines I've run into this as well, when trying to modify their ID.

    Does anyone have any idea what causes these fields to become unmodifiable and how to solve or prevent this problem? I'm sure its something simple but I can't find and rhyme or reason to it.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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