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    posted a message on Campaign units

    I have hardly taken a whole lot of time on the map editor just yet, but in the time I did spend I just couldn't find the campaign units. Do you have to manually add them yourself? Or am I missing something? Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on How to Download maps

    Somebody make this a sticky! Ok, so I am aware that you can download the maps here, open up the editor, and run it from test map. We can attempt to publish the map ourselves and "steal" it, but why would you want to take credit for something that isn't yours? So I was looking for an alternative. I have found some of the maps while searching the list and downloaded them, but they show up at the bottom of the list, because of popularity, and I cant find them when I go to create because I have "never played it". I mean wth? Someone, for the love of god, clear this up for us noobs who havn't figured this out for us. There HAS to be a better way. Make it a stickie!

    Posted in: General Chat
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