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    posted a message on Editing scale of building model while placing

    @Lucavious: Go

    Under the actor for your building, you can change the "Model (Placement)" to a new Model object.

    Instead of adjusting the "Scale" field on your Actor object, duplicate the Model object that your building is currently using and apply your desired scale size to your new Model object's "Scale Minimum" and "Scale Maximum" fields.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Two Issues: Salvage Ability and Icon Color

    I'm making a defense map and I'm trying to make a "Salvage" ability for my towers. I've successfully copied the Bunker's Salvage ability and got it working. However, the ability refunds a flat 100 minerals without actually referencing the Bunker's cost.

    Is there a way to refund some fraction of the casting unit's cost instead of just a flat amount? I'd prefer to keep it in the data editor, but I'll make a trigger for it if someone can explain how to accomplish this.

    Secondly, I'm using a buff that indicates the tint of its unit and triggers an event that sets the tint of the unit (and provides some combat modifiers). The icon for my buff is plain white, but I'd like to be able to either tint the icon itself to the appropriate color or simply create a new colored version of the icon. I'm aware that you can make the buff appear green, red, or white based on its Alignment field, but I need a wider palette of colors for my buffs.

    Is there some way that you can tint an icon's color or some simple way to create a new copy of the icon that's simply recolored?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Lost on a Difficult problem

    @Shawn91210: Go

    Sadly, it seems you can only adjust the facing direction and scale of your unit in the footprint. It doesn't look like there's an offset option.

    While my unit is actually centered on the footprint from directly above, with the standard in-game camera, its alignment just looks so off.

    Edit: ... I wonder if I could actually obscure the size of the footprint to be 2x3, but still only check a 2x2 area within the footprint that's a half unit off-center.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Lost on a Difficult problem

    I'm using a Colossus as a structure in my map. It uses a 2x2 footprint, but when one is built, the Colossus' model isn't aligned with the center of the footprint. The two back legs of the Colossus touch ground near the upper left and right corners of its footprint, while the two front legs touch ground only about two thirds of the way towards the front of the footprint. To make things worse, the Colossus is a rather tall unit, so it looks like it's even farther behind its own footprint.

    Is there some way to control where a unit is placed in a footprint? Or perhaps some way to put in an offset for a model from its own center?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger/Terrain/Data] Is there a Pathing Blocker for flying?

    Is there really no way to block air pathing without blocking ground pathing other than the No Fly Zones? Someone has to know!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger/Terrain/Data] Is there a Pathing Blocker for flying?

    I'm trying to make a builder unit for a tower defense game, and I want my builder to be able to pass through my towers without allowing the enemies to be able to pass through my towers, but I don't want my builder to be able to leave the general area of the base by climbing the cliffs around the base.

    I've tried toying with the collision flags, but if a unit has -ANY- ground collision flags checked, then that unit won't be able to pass through my towers' pathing footprints. However, I want to keep my builder in its base by using cliffs and the "Unused (Land 07)" collision flag.

    I need my towers to have a pathing footprint so that the enemy mobs can intelligently move through the players' defenses, so the only way for my builder to be able to move through my towers would be to give the builder a flying mover.

    So, unless I've gotten something wrong here, I need a pathing blocker that only blocks flying units. I've already found the "No Fly Zones", but those are circular. I just want to make a rectangular border around each base that flying units cannot cross without placing hundreds of No Fly Zones or using triggers to leash units.

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    posted a message on Making a unit face enemy

    @rymonator: Go

    I had a little bit of difficulty here myself, but I figured it out for my map.

    For my map, I'm using Spine Crawlers and Photon Cannons as my "Tower" units, currently. When I first made them, they would not face their target when they attacked. (With my towers only having a Unit object, an Actor (Unit) object, an Actor (Damage) object, and an Actor (Launch Missile) object)

    By creating a Turret object for your Tower and including it in the Unit (Weapons - Turret) field and creating an Actor (Turret) object, you can allow your Towers to turn and face their targets when they attack them.

    I'm not sure if this will work for units that don't normally have a turret associated with them, but it should work for all units that do.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unit Pathing and Pathing Footprints

    I'm trying to make a builder unit for my map that is able to walk through other units and structures (and be walked through by other units), but is still unable to climb cliffs. I've already discovered Unused (Land 07) and Unused (Land 09) Collide flags that keep my unit from climbing cliffs, but if my structures have a pathing footprint, then my builder can't move through them without disabling both of these flags. If I simply remove the pathing footprint from my structures, then the pathing AI of units that can not walk through my structures gets wonky, and units simply run into clusters of structures only to give up and stop moving, even if there is a path around the structures.

    So, is there a way to allow a unit to pass through a structure's pathing footprint without allowing that unit to climb cliffs?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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