im not really sure what the SEA region is however, does it fully upload, does it say complete, or failed? if it uploads u should see it in your custom games after u select my published i think its called,
, i cant see why it would publish it anywhere other than your region , seeing as you have to be logged into you bnet to publish it.
hello my name is redspike, i have been working on some custom maps since the beta, and i have experienced a problem with the publishing system,
i was successfully in uploading 2 maps , the publishing worked fine,
i then clicked on "managed published" and removed these 2 maps.
however since removing those two i am unable to upload anything else,
the first bug is that when i click publish it tells me my account has no space,
which is very incorrect as even before i deleted those 2 maps i still had allot of space left.
However i managed to fix this bug by pressing "use for all locals" this removed the not enough space message and allowed me to proceed to publishing.
But then it just gets stuck on map uploading, ive left it for hours and it doesn't upload.
has anyone else had a similar problem?
I've tried checking ingame and it says i have no published content,
However i did notice that maps published and them removed still remain in your singleplayer custom games list and are playable, thus meaning they are stored locally? but not anywhere i could find.
is there anywhere else i can post to report my bug and get more attention? i would rather like to be able to publish my maps again.
im not really sure what the SEA region is however, does it fully upload, does it say complete, or failed? if it uploads u should see it in your custom games after u select my published i think its called,
, i cant see why it would publish it anywhere other than your region , seeing as you have to be logged into you bnet to publish it.
hello my name is redspike, i have been working on some custom maps since the beta, and i have experienced a problem with the publishing system,
i was successfully in uploading 2 maps , the publishing worked fine, i then clicked on "managed published" and removed these 2 maps. however since removing those two i am unable to upload anything else, the first bug is that when i click publish it tells me my account has no space, which is very incorrect as even before i deleted those 2 maps i still had allot of space left. However i managed to fix this bug by pressing "use for all locals" this removed the not enough space message and allowed me to proceed to publishing. But then it just gets stuck on map uploading, ive left it for hours and it doesn't upload. has anyone else had a similar problem?
I've tried checking ingame and it says i have no published content, However i did notice that maps published and them removed still remain in your singleplayer custom games list and are playable, thus meaning they are stored locally? but not anywhere i could find.
is there anywhere else i can post to report my bug and get more attention? i would rather like to be able to publish my maps again.