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    posted a message on Sc2 map/mod idea

    So i posted an idea of mine on bnet and someone there suggested that i take the idea to this forum. What I am hoping is that someone with talent for making maps will see the potential for a great map/mod like i do and make this a reality.

    Recap: Back in 2003-2005ish there was a custom game for WC3 that i believe was called FM Vampires. It went something like this...

    1. Players were split into 2 teams, "Hunters" and "Vampires" up to 8v8 i think. As the game started there was a little cinematic clip that showed a bit of the map including the center which had a type of castle with lots of the WC3 civilian homes and some of the Human buildings you could build in the actual WC3 game as the Human race.

    2. Game starts and players then pick the hunter/vampire they wanted out of a list of 8-10 unique characters that each team had.

    3. Throughout the map there were lots of civilians/farmers/randomly placed human npcs. Vampires wander the map killing the civilians who upon death would release a Night Elf wisp. This wisp would immediately begin to travel back to a Vampire beacon (there was one in each corner of the map) and if it made it there the Vampires would get a point. In addition to releasing the wisp, the now dead farmer/whatever became a zombie. The zombie would begin his slow brain-eating journey toward the Hunter’s castle in the center of the map in an attempt to destroy it.

    4. Once Vampires accumulated enough points they could summon some kind of huge beastly monster, like an Abomination that was maybe 20 times bigger then a normal sized model. When the vampires were ready a player could go to a designated spot and begin to redeem their teams accumulated points to summon a variety of monsters who would then begin to charge the Hunter’s castle and lay siege to the whole place. If a specific building in the Hunter's main base was destroyed the Vampires would win the round.

    5. The Hunter’s objective was to kill the vampires, kill the wisps before they could make it to the beacons (preventing the Vampires from getting the points) and also kill the zombies. I don't remember exactly how the Hunters would win but if they could keep the preassure up on the Vampires then they would be higher level and pretty much be able to dominate the game. I don't remember if they had a specific objective or if they would win because the Vampires would just quit because they were getting their butts kicked. It's been years since i played, sorry.

    6. Zombies and Hunters would level up as they accumulated points (again, vampires for killing the farmers and the Hunters, Hunters get points for kill’n Vampires/Wisps/Zombies) and as they leveled up they could improve their abilities just like in any DOTA type game.

    7. Just like in any DOTA there were items that could be bought so there was some kind of money system in the game but i just don't remember how that worked. Maybe items were bought with points that were accumulated as a team. I don't remember.

    So plus or minus a detail or two that’s the end of my little trip down memory lane. FM Vampires was a [b]VERY[/b] well thought out and very well put together map. No big lazy clusters of buildings or units like you find in most custom games. The cinematic in the beginning that let all the new players know what to do was great. In short, there was [b]NOTHING[/b] about this custom map that looked like it was rushed together, nothing about it looked sloppy.

    SC2 Style: Ok so the Vampire/Hunter theme doesn't fit when there are no Undead characters. What COULD work is something similar to this but do an Alien Vs. Predator type theme. "Aliens" would obviously be the Zerg units and the "Predators" are the Protoss and perhaps some Terran units. Replace the farmers/random npcs with Terran units like the civilians in SC1 (assuming there are such units in GE).

    This new game wouldn't need to be an exact replica of every element of FM but there are some ideas that could work. In all Alien movies we see that aliens beget more aliens. Instead of creating a zombie when a player from the Alien team kills an npc perhaps it creates one of those facehugger aliens represented by a broodling. Instead of attacking a castle you could have the Aliens attacking a city of civilians and in the city is could be a Terran military outpost with something in it that is attracting the aliens or maybe just ripoff the story from AVP. Predators traveling in space had a facehugger on it that got loose and caused the ship to crash on earth and the Predators are trying to clean up the mess they made. Those are just a couple of ideas. Go crazy with it!

    I stink at making custom maps so I'm not a good option to make this dream into a reality. What I am hoping is that somewhere out there is a very special someone who remembers the great FM Vampires and can bring that concept to SC2 and make a killer custom game that will be well thought out and put together map. So don't be surprised when you see me post this exact same message in a month or two hoping to find someone who will take on this challenge. I'm saving it so later i can just copy, paste and post, hoping that someone will pick up the torch where FM dropped it so long ago.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on FM Vampires + SC2 = Alien Vs Predator

    So i posted an idea of mine on bnet and someone there suggested that i take the idea to this forum. What I am hoping is that someone with talent for making maps will see the potential for a great map/mod like i do and make this a reality.

    Recap: Back in 2003-2005ish there was a custom game for WC3 that i believe was called FM Vampires. It went something like this...

    1. Players were split into 2 teams, "Hunters" and "Vampires" up to 8v8 i think. As the game started there was a little cinematic clip that showed a bit of the map including the center which had a type of castle with lots of the WC3 civilian homes and some of the Human buildings you could build in the actual WC3 game as the Human race.

    2. Game starts and players then pick the hunter/vampire they wanted out of a list of 8-10 unique characters that each team had.

    3. Throughout the map there were lots of civilians/farmers/randomly placed human npcs. Vampires wander the map killing the civilians who upon death would release a Night Elf wisp. This wisp would immediately begin to travel back to a Vampire beacon (there was one in each corner of the map) and if it made it there the Vampires would get a point. In addition to releasing the wisp, the now dead farmer/whatever became a zombie. The zombie would begin his slow brain-eating journey toward the Hunter’s castle in the center of the map in an attempt to destroy it.

    4. Once Vampires accumulated enough points they could summon some kind of huge beastly monster, like an Abomination that was maybe 20 times bigger then a normal sized model. When the vampires were ready a player could go to a designated spot and begin to redeem their teams accumulated points to summon a variety of monsters who would then begin to charge the Hunter’s castle and lay siege to the whole place. If a specific building in the Hunter's main base was destroyed the Vampires would win the round.

    5. The Hunter’s objective was to kill the vampires, kill the wisps before they could make it to the beacons (preventing the Vampires from getting the points) and also kill the zombies. I don't remember exactly how the Hunters would win but if they could keep the preassure up on the Vampires then they would be higher level and pretty much be able to dominate the game. I don't remember if they had a specific objective or if they would win because the Vampires would just quit because they were getting their butts kicked. It's been years since i played, sorry.

    6. Zombies and Hunters would level up as they accumulated points (again, vampires for killing the farmers and the Hunters, Hunters get points for kill’n Vampires/Wisps/Zombies) and as they leveled up they could improve their abilities just like in any DOTA type game.

    7. Just like in any DOTA there were items that could be bought so there was some kind of money system in the game but i just don't remember how that worked. Maybe items were bought with points that were accumulated as a team. I don't remember.

    So plus or minus a detail or two that’s the end of my little trip down memory lane. FM Vampires was a [b]VERY[/b] well thought out and very well put together map. No big lazy clusters of buildings or units like you find in most custom games. The cinematic in the beginning that let all the new players know what to do was great. In short, there was [b]NOTHING[/b] about this custom map that looked like it was rushed together, nothing about it looked sloppy.

    SC2 Style: Ok so the Vampire/Hunter theme doesn't fit when there are no Undead characters. What COULD work is something similar to this but do an Alien Vs. Predator type theme. "Aliens" would obviously be the Zerg units and the "Predators" are the Protoss and perhaps some Terran units. Replace the farmers/random npcs with Terran units like the civilians in SC1 (assuming there are such units in GE).

    This new game wouldn't need to be an exact replica of every element of FM but there are some ideas that could work. In all Alien movies we see that aliens beget more aliens. Instead of creating a zombie when a player from the Alien team kills an npc perhaps it creates one of those facehugger aliens represented by a broodling. Instead of attacking a castle you could have the Aliens attacking a city of civilians and in the city is could be a Terran military outpost with something in it that is attracting the aliens or maybe just ripoff the story from AVP. Predators traveling in space had a facehugger on it that got loose and caused the ship to crash on earth and the Predators are trying to clean up the mess they made. Those are just a couple of ideas. Go crazy with it!

    I stink at making custom maps so I'm not a good option to make this dream into a reality. What I am hoping is that somewhere out there is a very special someone who remembers the great FM Vampires and can bring that concept to SC2 and make a killer custom game that will be well thought out and put together map. So don't be surprised when you see me post this exact same message in a month or two hoping to find someone who will take on this challenge. I'm saving it so later i can just copy, paste and post, hoping that someone will pick up the torch where FM dropped it so long ago.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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