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    posted a message on Simple question: how to enable building stacking?

    You could try editing the building footprints to be completely blank.

    But I think that may have a side effect of allowing you to build anywhere.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Preserver colors

    Changing the tint color should have worked.

    You do it in Actors, go to the events section and make an event that says ActorCreation, SetTintColor.

    Unless you just meant it wasn't achieving the effect you want, in which case, yeah you'd have to change the textures I guess.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Requirement Help?

    I'm trying to make a requirement that requires you to have a certain number of a specific unit. (for example, you need exactly 3 zerglings for an ability to show up), but it doesn't seem to be working. This is what I've been doing:


    Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

    Also, is there any way I could make it so that when you have 1 of a certain unit, an ability is unlocked, then when you have 2 of that unit, the second level of that ability is unlocked? Can different levels of ability have different requirements? I haven't worked much with multi-level abilities.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Bonus without being on Creep?

    If you only want it to happen in one spot, it's more complicated.

    But if you just want them to always think they're on creep, go to each zerg unit, look at their speed multiplier for "On creep" and multiply their speed by that amount, and then add whatever their "Bonus (On creep)" is to their speed.

    If you only want it to happen in certain areas, you'd almost need to use triggers I would think.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Actors][Models] Doodad occlusion radius?
    Quote from Alrik1989: Go

    @TedJustice: Go

    I never used sc2 triggers until now but I think there should be a function like in wc3 : unit in range or similar, unnit comes 256 in range of unit2 for example

    Thanks, but I'm trying to do it through the data editor. And the building is a doodad, not a unit. I'm not sure that would work. Not to mention I don't know if there's a trigger to set translucency like occlusion.

    What I think is going on is that the model's collision radius is bigger than the scale of the model in the doodad actor. But changing the radius doesn't seem to affect anything.

    Btw, here's the map if anybody wants to see what I mean. Just test it and try walking near one of the buildings. I only want it to be translucent when you're inside the building.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Actors][Models] Doodad occlusion radius?

    I have a new doodad in my map which uses a scaled down version of a korhal building model.

    I want to make it so that when a unit walks inside of the building, the building goes semi-transparent. Right now this sort of works, with Occlusion. But because the model is scaled down, the unit just needs to step in a large area around the doodad for it to go transparent, which I don't want.

    Is there any way to change the size of the area in which you have to step before occlusion kicks in? Changing the doodad's radius didn't affect anything, nor did changing the model's radius.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unable to login/publish in Galaxy Editor
    Quote from Forge_User_03903326: Go

    you got an EU version or US version of the game?

    on EU publishing is not available as far as I know. Don't ask me why.

    US, actually. So I really have no clue why this would be.

    If I were to delete the editor and run the beta again, would it automatically reinstall it? I'm thinking maybe that would fix it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unable to login/publish in Galaxy Editor

    Whenever I try to publish a map, I first need to login in the editor. But I'm unable to. I get a "Connection to Battle.net was lost." message. Looking on the official beta forums, I found this:

    Connection to Battle.net was lost.

    Go to File > Preferences. In the Battle.net tab, change the "Host" from stage.battle.net to us-beta.logon.battle.net

    I remember fixing this in the past and being able to upload maps just fine. But now when I go to Preferences, the Battle.net tab only has one parameter: Account.

    Is this some kind of bug? I've searched everywhere for others having the same problem but I haven't found anything about it.

    And yes, I can log in to Battle.net just fine ingame.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Unable to login/publish in Galaxy Editor

    Whenever I try to publish a map, I first need to login in the editor. But I'm unable to. I get a "Connection to Battle.net was lost." message. Looking on the official beta forums, I found this:

    Connection to Battle.net was lost.

    Go to File > Preferences. In the Battle.net tab, change the "Host" from stage.battle.net to us-beta.logon.battle.net

    I remember fixing this in the past and being able to upload maps just fine. But now when I go to Preferences, the Battle.net tab only has one parameter: Account.

    Is this some kind of bug? I've searched everywhere for others having the same problem but I haven't found anything about it.

    And yes, I can log in to Battle.net just fine ingame.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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