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    posted a message on [Video] Doodad Hunt - NOW OPEN BETA

    @Bounty_98: Go

    I cant tell or not but if you are going to clone "Prop Hunt" form gmod u better do it well or ima be mad!!!!!! Also you should give credit to the creator of prpp hunt

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Making a the "character" units clickable like campaign?

    What I basically want to do is make it so I can click on the unit SMArmoryViking and it modifies a variable. Having a white outline when the mouse is over it would be nice too. Thx

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Placing "Set" Units?

    After adding the campaign dependencies, almost every unit I place from the "set" section is visible while placing it but as soon as I left click and place the object it becomes completely invisible. I am trying to set up a scene using the "set" unit but I cant because everything goes invisible. :'(

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Placing Minerals Phase 2?

    Before phase 2 minerals would automatically be red/implacable when too close to a spawn point, but now minerals can be placed anywhere even if im not holding shift. This is causing a MAJOR problem with my mineral placement and it seems to be almost impossible to correctly place the minerals on the first go... ANY FIXES??? IS THERE A BUTTON IM NOT PRESSING???

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Mineral Placement Phase 2

    Ever since Phase 2 mineral placement has been FKed up! There used to be a thing where minerals would automatically not be placed if too close to a spawn point but now they can place anywhere! This is makes the ONLY way to spawn minerals correctly for melee is to run the map over and over (trial and error) to see if the minerals are too close or too far. PLEASE tell me if there is a way to turn this off!!!!!!! :'(

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Turn on and off specific revealers?

    I begin with all regions being revealed but now I want it to be as certain triggers activate, certain revelers will disable and not allow someone to see within the region. HOW!!?!?!?!?

    Love, Samdamana

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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