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    posted a message on [Mix] Help 3 Basic Problems with my RPG

    This is my map, I've tried to fix the animations like sephiex said but I couldn't find what he was talking about. I'm really retarded and any and all help is appreciated.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Dialog] Linking a dialog button to a unit

    @EarendilSphere: Go

    I'm not sure if this is what you want but if you go into the unit and under attributes and flags check the Heroic and Hero boxes you will be given that little box you talked about.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Mix] Help 3 Basic Problems with my RPG

    1st problem. I'm using the marine model. I have modified some other unit abilities to work for my marine. The Impact animations look good but when they fire from the marine his body does not look like he is attacking the target. The animation just sort of comes out of the side of the gun.

    2nd problem. My energy boss bar Won't display the right information. Right now it says 0/1 at all times.

    3rd problem. I modified the ghost EMP ability to have 2 levels of damage. When I aquire the second level of the spell the animations/sounds work great. With the first level of the spell they do not exist.

    4th *Bonus* problem. Is there any way to make the camera always follow behind the target. The game starts to look odd when I'm walking towards the camera.

    I can give a megaupload of this map if needed. PLEASE HELP!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Looking for team to create a SWTORlite esque rpg series

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to create a small rpg series based on the upcoming bioware mmo. The series would be a top down single player rpg that had a different map dedicated to each class. A single map should allow for a player to progress 10-12 levels, gaining access to 5-6 abilities. Each map will have a singular linear story arc. The arc will be presented via 10-20 quests. The final quest will involve a unique boss fight.

    I'm starting to write the quest arc for the first map now.

    I need help of any and all kind. But artistic help is most pertinent.

    1. Most important model artists. A single map won't need more than 4-5 SWTOR era models. As long as the hero feels unique the different hostile units can be largely color/size variants.

    2. Terrain artist. I can make a nice looking map, but I've seen some extreme talent on these boards. If anyone GREAT with terrain is interested in crafting some SWTOR themed maps that would be great.

    3. Experienced RPG makers with a knowledge of the SWTOR universe. Anyone else who can help with some of the leg work (unit creation, UI mods, ability design) is appreciated. If you are interested in the project, I'm sure there is space for you.

    I'm going to be running the idea for fan maps through BW Austin if this gets off the ground. They are VERY supportive with fanart/fiction I'm hoping this won't be much different.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Pretty stupid question

    How do I make a quest for my map?

    All I want to do is have a single quest NPC deliver dialog. After the dialog you have to go collect an object. Then you return to the npc and he gives you a new set of dialog.

    Is there a tutorial that teaches this?

    • I did a lot of searching for quest tutorials but came up dry.
    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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