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    posted a message on Defense Maps

    Hi guys, great site, and love all the maps.

    I come looking for some help, i play some custom maps with a friend, and we hate the ones where you basically just level a unit, or do some kind of funky stuff (trying to make it FPS style etc) - We are just basically looking for some good standard defense maps, such as art of defense (this is actually the BEST custom dmap we played and exactly what we are looking for) - problem is if you type in defense on this site, it comes up with about 650 pages worth :P Becuase of tower defense i guess.

    Anyway, does anyone know any good ones? Art of Defense is basically where you just start 4-5 guys with your bases and build up an army/defense as if you would a normal sc2 game, and you have 2 ledges to defend and an entrance and waves of enemies come, anything like this would be awesome! (not asking for tower defense either!)

    Thanks you! Also if you download a map how do you load it yourself? Since i see most of the custom games is random guys it must be possible?

    Thnks again

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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