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    posted a message on kekeke can anyone figure this out

    I just ran the map myself to see your problem I am not personally seeing it. At the start...the bunker is fine, it spawns units, and it doesn't blow up. I even attacked it with some units and it die instantly either. Either I'm missing something myself or maybe you just didn't save the map? <.<

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Click a dialog button and then a unit??

    Lol...I am having some flashbacks working with java back when I was a computer science major. This logic always made my head explode.

    I am still messing with this thing... I assume you made the variables beforehand? Or maybe that code (above the if/then lines) is a giant variable? Forgive me for being a bit slow...I'm one of those guys who usually doesn't learn jack unless he gets to play with it first hand....both good and bad. :P

    Regardless, thanks for your help! I'm off to a fun start with this thing.

    EDIT: I was looking at the code wrong...lol. I think I figured out what you posted.

    EDIT #2: Yeah I did. Lol. Thanks again!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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