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    posted a message on Is there a condition along the lines of "Last Unit Killed" ...?

    @A1win: Go

    I haven't tried anything yet...currently messing with other triggers...but I have text pop above a unit each time it takes damage...however, when the unit dies, the text decides to not pop up.

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    posted a message on Is there a condition along the lines of "Last Unit Killed" ...?

    @s3rius: Go

    Grazie Sir. Much appreciated. :)

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    posted a message on Moving Progress Bar?

    Anyone have a basic set up for one of these?

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    posted a message on [Solved] Do Integer counters work?

    The "topic title" edit button works but the "posts" edit button does not. This is why I am double posting. I know the problem. I can go into detail should someone desire to know.

    I just wanted to say I figured it out with the following:

            Unit - Any Unit Enters Region 001
        Local Variables
            Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Unit Group:battle
            Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to (Center of regionsArray[intCounter]) (No Blend)
            Dialog - Create a Button for Dialog Dialog:attackMenu with the dimensions (230, 63) anchored to Top with an offset of (0, intCounter 2) setting the tooltip to "" with button text (Name of (Unit type of (Unit intCounter 3 from Unit Group:battle))) and the hover image set to ""
            Variable - Modify intCounter: + 1
            Variable - Modify intCounter 2: + 60
            Variable - Modify intCounter 3: + 1

    It turns out I don't even need a loop for this kind of trigger. If multiple units are in the location, it apparently initializes them each individually. I did not know this. Problem has been solved. :)

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    posted a message on [Solved] Do Integer counters work?

    @SirLyrrad: Go

    I tried a For loop and it didn't work for what I am doing. Here is some code:

            Unit - Any Unit Enters Region 001
        Local Variables
            ------- Outside Box
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (300, 400) at (550, 425) relative to Bottom Left of screen
            Variable - Set Dialog:attackMenu = (Last created dialog)
            General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                    ((Triggering unit) is in Region 001) == true
                    Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Unit Group:battle
                    Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to (Center of regionsArray[intCounter]) (No Blend)
                    Dialog - Create a Button for Dialog Dialog:attackMenu with the dimensions (230, 63) anchored to Top with an offset of (0, intCounter 2) setting the tooltip to "" with button text (Name of (Unit type of (Unit 1 from Unit Group:battle[intCounter]))) and the hover image set to ""
                    Variable - Set Dialog Item:attackChoices[intCounter] = (Last created dialog item)
                    Variable - Modify intCounter: + 1
                    Variable - Modify intCounter 2: + 60
                    Variable - Modify intCounter 3: + 1

    Once a certain dialog button is clicked...it is supposed to find a region with no more than 5 and no less than 1 total enemy units inside of it. It does that just fine. It moves those units to another area with a set of regions (which each unit is set into individually) and enters a unit group. Then those units in the unit group are supposed to store into an array in which their NAMES will show up on another dialog box when called...however, each time it only shows the very last enemy's name that is stored. If I take the intCounter away, it only shows the first.

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    posted a message on [Solved] Do Integer counters work?

    ...or are they bugged? I am using an integer variable initialized to 0, and I have a trigger set up where the counter increases +1 after a sequence of events in a loop. I am using "Variable - Modify intCounter + 1." Is this the correct Action for an integer counter?

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    posted a message on Pick a Unit from a Unit group and make dialog text out of its name?

    Anyone have an idea how to do this? I have all the dialog boxes set up and I get the units stored up into a unit group. I call their names and the names never show. ;/

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    posted a message on Dialog Text Problem

    Forgive me for a double post. I am still working with this issue. Any help is appreciated. :)

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    posted a message on Dialog Text Problem

    So I am trying to Put some text in some Dialog Buttons. The buttons appear, but the text refuses to appear. I will post some code to see if you all notice anything. All help is appreciated. :)

    Here are the enemies. Their names are supposed to store in an array.

            Unit - Any Unit Enters Region 001
        Local Variables
            (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 2
            General - While (Conditions) are true, do (Actions)
                    ((Triggering unit) is in Region 001) == true
                    Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Unit Group:battle[intCounter]
                    Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to (Center of regionsArray[intCounter]) (No Blend)
                    Dialog - Set Dialog Item:attackChoices[intCounter] text to (Name of (Unit type of (Unit intCounter from Unit Group:battle[intCounter]))) for (All players)
                    Variable - Modify intCounter: + 1

    And here is where the box and text appears. Note that this trigger is called in a different trigger.

    "Attack" Box
        Local Variables
            ------- Outside Box
            Variable - Set Integer:numberOfClicks = 1
            Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (300, 400) at (550, 425) relative to Bottom Left of screen
            Variable - Set Dialog:attackMenu = (Last created dialog)
            ------- Attackable Units
            Dialog - Create a Button for Dialog Dialog:attackMenu with the dimensions (230, 63) anchored to Top with an offset of (0, 35) setting the tooltip to "" with button text (Text of Dialog Item:attackChoices[intCounter] for 1) and the hover image set to ""
            Variable - Set Dialog Item:attackChoices[0] = (Last created dialog item)
            Dialog - Create a Button for Dialog Dialog:attackMenu with the dimensions (230, 63) anchored to Top with an offset of (0, 95) setting the tooltip to "" with button text (Text of Dialog Item:attackChoices[intCounter] for 1) and the hover image set to ""
            Variable - Set Dialog Item:attackChoices[1] = (Last created dialog item)
            Dialog - Show Dialog:attackMenu for (All players)
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Put unit names into a dialog box?

    Thanks ..uhh.. boron. :) I have the units stored now by whatever means and the dialogs are popping up...now I am just trying to get the unit names to appear in the boxes. I'll keep working with it.

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    posted a message on Is there a condition...

    I think I got it. Many thanks yall.

    One more question. I am now trying to call those units stored. Trying to call their names. I am going to mess with it but if you have any tips on a good way to do that... let me know.

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    posted a message on Is there a condition...

    @moronsonofboron: Go

    Would the If Then Else Come after that action? Or would it be inside that action?

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    posted a message on Is there a condition...

    That is something like:

    Number of (Triggering Unit) Operator Integer

    I am looking for something along these lines and I'm having no luck. I need to keep track of the units inside of a region and I want a counter to take place. It will check if the number of units in the region is > zero, then it will count the units and store it into an array. Any help on this?

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    posted a message on Put unit names into a dialog box?

    So lets say I have some random units scattered around a map. When the player gets close to one of these units, he/she has a choice to attack or not. A dialog box pops up and the "Attack" option is there. I have that all set up. Say he/she encounters 2 hydralisks. Once "Attack" is clicked, I have another box pop up, which is all set up (just the box). I would like these hydralisks to appear in this box in order to be clicked on by the attacker so he/she can decide which one he/she would want to attack. I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know.

    Does anyone know how I would put these hydralisks into this dialog box?

    EDIT: And I don't mean the actual hydralisks or a picture or anything. Just their names.

    EDIT #2: I'm still messing with it. I am trying different variable methods right now...trying to convert a unit to a string and such. Not too much luck but I'm bound to figure this thing out sooner or later. :P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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