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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III


    Iam i'am still stuck on this two problems for 2 days now :s So, if anyone else have an idea for me it will be great.

    Let me recapitulate what was my problems :

    1 - The events problem : Using the funcion unit enter/leave a point or the function unit enter/leave a range for an other unit : with to variables (one variable of type unit for each unit) or two unit condition type for each unit of this events. I mean, i don't want to place any units on my map but this event ask me to pick an unit from my map :s

    2 - the sound probleme : i use zoom to dezoom the camera and to cover a larger field. But now, the SOUND of the battle field is very low (i guess its due to the fact that my camera is faraway from the battle field) and i want it to stay at the same level wherever my camera position is

    Thank you again for reading my problems, i will try to answer yours when i will be a little bit more experienced with this editor (and maybe with english language ).

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    Hi again. I have an other problem to share with you.

    I write on the post to avoid to creat an other.

    My problem is realy simple : I make a camera system were my camera follow my main unit. But I also make the camera highter than the defaulf camera (i use zoom to dezoom the camera and to cover a larger field. But now, the SOUND of the battle field is very low (i guess its due to the fact that my camera is faraway from the battle field).

    i don't have explore the sound system in detail yet so do you know a way to make the sound of the battle field to stay at the same level wherever my camera position is ?

    I precise that the sound of speeches of units that i control stay at the same level but its only sounds from the battle field (like marines attaks) which become very low.

    Thank you in advance !

    PS : and if someone find also a solution for my main problem I am still looking for idea :)

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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    Thank you again,

    i fix the probleme thanks to you by puting the range to 2.0 (1.0 not working i don't know why, maybe because of my overseized units ).

    Anyway, now i realized that i have an other problem : we cannot put a variable for the seconde unit. The editor need a value directly from the map (with X,Y etc). So I would like to know how can i make that second unit to be a variable.

    The context :

    Marine are suppose to be grinder (killed) by the car that you control (the marine killer like you said yourself ) (it's a tank mode char or an hellion, etc) which are define by a variable (unit = vehicule choose by the player).

    So i see two solution :

    1 - Find a way to put my variable in the trigger

    2 - Find a way to make a "unit type condition" for the second unit (but the fonction reponse " triggering unit " is already takes by marines...)

    So once again if you or someone else have any idea... Thank you folks :)

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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    Thank you, it was pretty much what I did. However, it still doesn't work for me. Since you told me that it worked for you I thought it could only come from my map so I created this trigger on a new map and it works. So that's mean I have to find what may prevent the trigger to work on my map. So if you have an idea of what kind of things can block this very simple trigger...

    Anyway thank you again for helping me to identify the problem.

    And thank you for the picture too ^^

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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    Hi everyone,

    I don't know if I am a realy big noob but i'am stuck since 3 days on a very simple matter :s I am trying to make something realy simple : make a unit die when an other unit approach But my problem comes to the fact that i want one of this unit to be a general unit with a condition.

    I explain :

    For my event, I use this fonciton : unit enter/leave a point

    Unit : a specific unit (it's okey, cause I just want a specific unit so I just pick it on the map or make a variable for it)

    State : Enter

    Range : 1.0

    Point : position of unit (it's not okey)

    It's not okey cause i want a general unit of type marine and i don't find the right condition.

    I would like something like this :

    Event : When unit A enter to range 1.0 to the point (Position of unit (any unit of type marine)) Condition : empty Action : Kill unit (the marine, not the unit A)

    What I tried :

    In order to find a unit of type marine in the " Point (position of (unit)) ", I tried to use " Unit from a unit groupe ". Not good, because the index make it specific. I tried to use "catch a unit", but its not working and include an other point. I also tried to leave the data "any unit" and to put a condition of type of unit in the field "condition" of the trigger but we can only put "any unit" at the place of the first unit of the fonction but not at the second :s

    So, if someone know why my brain is so noob thanks to explain to me.

    PS : Sorry for the grammatical mistakes, i only have a french corrector software :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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