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    posted a message on Publishing Error: GATEWAY_FILE_APPEND_​ERROR

    I want to publish my map. It says "Ready to publish". I click on ok and the editor starts uploading, but immediatly gets status "Failed" due to a GATEWAY_FILE_APPEND_​ERROR. What's wrong here?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Make Actor clickable

    How can i make an actor clickable? I have an actor created at a specific point/region, and now i want to check if the player clicks on that point/region/actor. Is that even possible?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Attach Actor To Unit

    I created an actor, which i stored in a variable. Now i want to "Attach Actor To Unit" in which i want to use my variable or "Last created Actor". But none of them appears, my only choice is directly assigning a value. I realised that the data type is a "Game Link" with link type "Actor". Why isn't it working?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Region effect

    I have still trouble to find the differences of behaviours, actors, buffs, and so on.

    So, let's say that i want have some kind of visual feedback which can be clicked. I have:

    • a region named TEST
    • the player triggers an event which fires:
    Actor - Create actor region Archon Attack Beam in actor scope null from game region TEST

    But nothing happens. What is missing?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom movement control

    Thanks for the tip ZeroAme. The map you were talking about is named ChessCraft, exactly the working title of my map as well. Kinda obvious i guess. I'll look further into the trigger realisation to learn from it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom movement control

    I want to move a unit in an unusual way. Instead of directly giving a moving order, i want to click at a highlighted area. Like so:

    • There is a 8x8 chessboard (64 regions), each tile may have a maximum of one unit in it
    • If I click on a unit i want the possible tiles in which this unit can be moved highlighted (maybe some environment effects?)
    • If I click on a highlighted area, the units moves there

    Any ideas how to do this? Especially the highlight part.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Foreach loops for different data types

    Got it, thank you! Now i have another task, which could be somehow more difficult. I opened a new thread.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Foreach loops for different data types

    Thank you! I have still some questions:

    • How to directly initialize an array? When i introduce the array, i can give it just a single default value as far as i can see.
    • How to get the size of an array? Didn't find any function like that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Foreach loops for different data types

    I am new to the Galaxy editor and i'm trying to create a simple map to practice my map-making skills.

    At the moment I'd like to have a more general foreach loop. But first i want to tell you the situation:

    • I have a chessboard (8x8 tiles), each tile has its own region called A1-H1, A2-H2, ..., A8-H8
    • I want to have a data structure which stores every position of a white pawn, like whitePawnPositions = [A2, B2, ..., H2] which is an array of regions
    • Now i want to iterate through each of these positions and create a unit there, like foreach (whitePawnPositions as pos) create unit at region pos

    Any ideas how I can do that?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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