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    posted a message on Doodad actor problem

    Well, in the end I couldn't figure it out. I found that it is quicker and easier anyway to simply duplicate the actor of a building with the same footprint and its models. Just change the path of the duplicated models to whatever you want and there you have your actor that looks the way you want it to. Way faster than building the actor from scratch, essentially, around the model.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Doodad actor problem

    First post, btw.

    Anyway, I'm trying to give a custom building of mine the actor of a doodad structure. I've modified the actor to the point where my building will appear (with the proper actor) when I place it in the editor. It also appears as the preview when I'm placing it with an SCV and it appears while the SCV is building it. Once it is finished being build, however, the actor disappears and the building is unselectable. If I hotkey the building while it is being built, I can still select it with the hotkey and produce units from it and do whatever. As such, there must be an issue with one of the data values for the actor. I can give more details if needed, but what could cause such a behavior?

    edit: Also, even if I can see it in the editor when I place the building, it is not there when I load the map up in-game.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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