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    posted a message on Removing animations (need Thor to not walk)

    Edit the Baselines field in the actor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on (?) How do you make the marauder projectile explode on the outer part of a unit model?

    Sounds like you didn't make an Attack actor.

    @maverck: Go

    The Impact Map sets the art and sound but not where the impact occurs - that's set by Impact Attachment Query. The default values for a GenericAttack actor are suitable for 99% of cases.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to allow a unit to move while morphing?

    If the morph is instant, does it still interrupt movement? If so there's a workaround. Create a dummy ability of type "Effect - Instant" and make it trigger an Issue Order effect which triggers the actual morph ability. Make sure "Preempt" is checked under command flags for the issue order effect.

    This works basically any time you want to interrupt whatever a unit is currently doing and have them resume their existing order when they're done with it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Any way to create a wake or wave in the water?

    @LazyCoder: Go

    Short of creating a wave model in 3ds max yourself not terribly likely. Although I'm not able to run the game with the Physics setting maxed out, perhaps on the highest setting it realistically models waves in water.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help with "on being hit" ability.

    Damage Response field under a Buff Behavior.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Item Container - Change Model?

    If it's possible to change it'll be via Catalog Field Set. That'll change it for every unit a player has though, it's likely not possible to change it for an individual unit. As for the face button, that's just another aspect of the inventory system that isn't implemented yet. The whole thing is only barely workable at this point, just hope Blizzard decides to polish it a bit soon (or someone releases a complete reimplementation.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Ability help, Ability that forces unit to use ability?

    Issue Order effect.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Conditions and Trigger Lag

    Be careful when theorizing that something will cause lag. So far 99% of performance concerns people have voiced on these forums have turned out to be a non-issue. There's a saying in software development: "premature optimization is the root of all evil."

    When you get to the point where you actually have lag issues then worry about optimizing your triggers. It's unlikely that relatively minor optimizations such as reducing the number of triggers is going to have a noticeable performance effect, anyway.

    edit: Ought to specify that I'm mostly talking about when optimization and good design are divergent.. in a lot of cases they're one and the same. Here, for example, condensing everything into a fewer number of triggers would probably make it more maintainable, so I'd consider doing it for that sake.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do you damage life and ignore shield?
    Quote from Myndful: Go

    Make a switch effect. Set the default to a Modify Unit effect that reduces the unit's health by a value equal to the amount of damage you want to deal, and add a case with a validator checking if the unit's health is lower than the damage you would deal. This would be for making the damage nonlethal. The best thing I can think of for this is just to use another modify unit effect and set it to reduce the unit's life by 99.9%, though I'm not sure this will work perfectly. Best I can come up with.

    Not nearly that complicated. In the Damage effect, under Flags, check "No Absorb Shields".

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Linking a turret to an ability

    I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but is there a way to link a turret to an ability? (Specifically so only the turret, not the entire unit, will turn to face the ability's target when used.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on No point in creating more maps - popularity sort

    The primary sort should be by change in popularity averaged over the last 7 days or so. A map that's trending upward rapidly should place above a map that's played more but is stagnating. Leave raw popularity in as a secondary sorting measure.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Combine Validator Result Failure Message

    A lot of places where you use validators (such as effects) let you specify multiple ones which are combined with an implicit AND operation.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Anyone else worried the map editor will spoil the single player campaign?

    Already have been.

    If you don't want spoilers don't look at the filenames for some of the wireframe textures.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Animations which only play sporadically

    Go to the Data Editor, open up Models, then search for "Reaper Jump Land Down Model" and open it in the previewer. Let the animation loop a few dozen times.

    Is it just me, or does the animation only play about 50% of the time? This happens in-game too. I've noticed it with a bunch of other models as well.

    This is with effects set to Ultra and Model Quality to High, but a bunch of other video settings are set very low.

    edit: I turned all video settings to the highest possible, and it's still happening, so I don't think that's the issue.

    second edit: In the previewer it plays about 50% of the time, but in-game it almost always plays the first time but then hardly ever plays again - maybe one out of ten times after that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Asking Blizzard What's Going to Change
    Quote from smurfbizkit: Go

    Honestly, I don't think Blizzard should even think about adding/tweaking modding features anytime soon. The fact is that it is still very very early in the modding scene's lifespan, there is a LOT people haven't even attempted yet.

    6 months or so from now we'll have a much clearer picture of what additions would be most useful

    I could not disagree more. Plenty of us have a very good idea of what's needed in the editor and don't feel like waiting a year for fixes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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