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    posted a message on An annoying trend within the SC2 mapping community
    Quote from MotiveMe: Go

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    I completely disagree. The more you show off your work the easier it is for people to pick apart at it and learn from it (ie. reverse engineer it). There's usually only so many ways to create one effect, and they're usually obvious after a little study. Banning people for their progress is just stupid and reeks of jealousy when it does happen.

    That said, it makes them look like asshats. But that's their prerogative.

    I didn't say ban them for their progress. I said ban or probate people who brag in the help forums without offering anything constructive. In case you hadn't noticed, those forums are for helping people. If you just want to show off there's a forum just for that.

    I don't give a damn about people not sharing their "secrets" but if you want to maintain a good signal-to-noise ratio in a forum (especially a technical help/advice forum) you need to enforce a policy of constructive posting only.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on An annoying trend within the SC2 mapping community

    I'd say just make it so talking about some great thing you did while refusing to explain how you do it is bannable (or at least probatable) except in the Project Workplace forum. If people want to brag about some cool thing they did whi go for it but it doesn't belong in any of the help forums unless its in the context of helping people.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Data] Hit Crit Miss

    A behavior with a damage response does the same thing with more flexibility and granularity (there's a limited to how many effects you can specify so I think the minimum crit granularity with this technique would be around 3-5% unless you used a multiple roll system which makes it even more ridiculously complicated.)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on shadowmeld ?

    Make two behaviors: Revealed, and Apply Revealed.

    Apply Revealed should have as a periodic effect (with a semi-low period, like 0.25) an effect which applies the Revealed buff to self. Set the Validator (Disabled) to "Unit Not Moving", or whatever that validator is called.

    If you want WC3-style activated shadowmeld then your main shadowmeld behavior can have as its Validator (Remove) a validator that checks that the stack count of Revealed is 0. You can also make a requirement that checks for a behavior count of zero for Revealed and use that for the shadowmeld ability.

    If you want it to be permanently passive then set the Validator (Disable) field for the cloaking behavior to the Not Revealed validator.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Only color for a dialog label is white?

    Text color is determined by the style. Any time you're editing text you can open up the style controls and change the color of part of it (or you can manually specify the color using <c> tags.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on What vocal lines do YOU want?

    I cant believe those mod utility voices includes stuff like "Owned!" and "GG!" but not "minutes", "seconds", etc. What a letdown.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Anyone tried WASD online in phase 2?

    You guys should really stop getting your hopes up - they aren't going to add client-side prediction as it would require a full engine redesign, and without CSP there's always going to be input latency.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Building Construction Events
    Quote from petrov1: Go

    @wonderbooze: Go

    Well a workaround would be to set the the "Art - Model (Build)" in your units actor to invisible. The problem is with that the transition from the construction model to the unit model doesn´t match 100% percent. There is a small delay between.

    Maybe anyone else has a better solution to this problem?

    For each building you need the following:

    - The actor for the building. Both the Model and Model (Build) fields should be set to the regular model for the building. The actor should be Based On either Zerg Building, Terran Building, or Protoss Building.

    - A "build" actor. This should be a Model type actor based on "Zerg Building Build", "Terran Building Build", etc. The identifier for this actor should be the same as the building actor with "Build" at the end, if it's named anything different you will need to edit the building actor's events. The Model for this actor should be the one with "build" in the name, i.e." Ghost Academy (Build)" although using the default model works fine in most cases.

    - A progress actor. Open up "Terran Construction" (etc.), edit the events, and add your own build ability to the list.

    Doing buildings is counterintuitive at first and I haven't seen many maps do it correctly but it's actually quite easy.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Zealot's double attack can cause trigger bugs.
    Quote from KelvCM: Go

    RileyStarcraft, were you directing that to me or acidragoon. I know zealots are supposed to attack twice. Do you thing its an error in Blizzards code that if the first attack hits, the second attack automatically hits? It may very well be intentional and I can see for balance purposes why they would code it like that. However what that means is that if your unit has 10 health, a zealot attacks for one hit and brings it down to 2, you activate your invulnerability spell but then the zealot attacks again and is able to kill you.

    It's absolutely intentional that it works that way (the delay between attacks is just for aesthetics and isn't intended to affect gameplay in any way), but there's a very simple way to do what you're trying to do. Just add a validator to the damage effect to check if the target is invulnerable. Normally single-target damage effects don't bother checking this because the weapon filters out invulnerable targets.

    Whatever you do don't create a single global variable like the poster above suggested because that presupposes only a single zealot ever attacking at one time.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Curious about "pre-release" digital dl and GE
    Quote from CTMRZ: Go

    does that mean if the digital copy is downloaded and installed now, it brings a fully polished GE?

    You can't install the digital copy until midnight on the 27th.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Kotaku
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    "This is why Microsoft doesn't like people modding and sharing their work. Some of these games are better than the majority of crap on XBLA (and PSN). "

    Yeah, as evidenced by the fact that they're the only console manufacturer that has an indie developer program (XNA).

    What a stupid quote.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on need help with models

    I recall somebody doing this exact thing by modifying the turret actor to displace that bone into the negative Z axis until it was underground. It was a very clever idea.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Duplicate Battlecruiser fires from bottom of ship

    You probably didn't make an attack actor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Zealot's double attack can cause trigger bugs.

    That's not a bug, the zealot has two attacks. It even says so in the weapon tooltip.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Double units, why?

    Sounds like you have duplicate dependencies, maybe from two different versions of the game.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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