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    posted a message on Factory/Starport dissapearing for 23.8 seconds after Construction

    Actually it's perfectly normal. Build animations for terran structures consist of two models - the scaffolding and the building itself. Take a close look at the construction animations for any terran building and you'll see what I mean. The problem you're having is that the scaffolding model is not appearing. This is also known as the "build" actor and if you look at any building actors you'll see that it's created when construction starts.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on So.....How are people getting lag-less WASD?
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    Too bad. But there are some ways to reduce lag by not using tons of triggers.

    This gets repeated far too often. Triggers simply do not cause lag in SC2. It's 2010 people, running a miniscule amount of code does not slow down any computer which meets the minimum specifications for SC2. The Galaxy VM can only use a small amount of memory and spawn a finite number of threads so it's literally impossible to set up you triggers in a way that consumes enough system resources to result in a slowdown.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Mover Bug? (Crashes Game?!)

    Are you just changing the mover to cliff jumper? Because that's only half of how the reaper's jump works, the other is a Jump behavior.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Pathing in editor does not match pathing in game

    Take a look at these screenshots of the same area of terrain. The first two are from within the editor, showing the placement grid as well as painted pathing. The third is from in-game.

    So, uh, what the fuck is going on?

    edit: Solved it by checking Ignore Doodad Footprint on that doodad hanging off the cliff. Still not sure why the editor's pathing grid would show up differently than the game's.

    On a related note anyone else notice that when you check Ignore Doodad Footprint the editor's pathing grid still shows it as blocking pathing, while in-game it doesn't? This is driving me crazy.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Couple of website bugs

    When I'm at the homepage for sc2mapster.com I see the "Admin Actions" box. Actually clicking on any of the links just gives me a forbidden error, though.

    Also I've twice in the last two months gotten an e-mail from curse congratulating me on a free complimentary subscription to curse premium, although in both cases I didn't actually get premium. (Truth be told I'm not exactly sure what premium is or why I'd want it anyway.)

    Also, once in a while if I'm viewing a thread I posted in my own name will show up in orange as if I had premium. F5ing usually makes it go back to green.

    So, a few bugs for you guys to work out.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] Lagless WASD System using Data Editor

    The theory is that triggers only execute about ever 0.05 seconds or so while data actions execute as soon as the server receives the message. So a data editor only approach eliminates any potential delay in between the server receiving the input and running the triggers to process the input. At best this eliminates 50ms on the client and 50ms on the server, so under the best case your effective latency is reduced by 100ms. (

    I'm skeptical of how much difference there actually is but I haven't tried it and progammer is one of the more trustworthy people around so I'll take his word that the gains are noticable.

    I will say that the perception that normal ladder games don't lag as much as WASD-based custom maps is 99% psychological. Controlling movement by giving orders has a very, very different feel than assuming direct control of a unit even when latency is identical. In fact, I can testify from experience that just moving from a keyboard-based movement system to a mouse-based movement system while still using triggers GREATLY reduces the feel of lag, even though the input latency is identical.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Moving to Attack Range

    @fr0d0b0ls0n: Go

    I would suggest an augment ability that issues a "stop" order if the current order target range is larger than the unit's attack range.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mineral cost of type unit doesn't work with some units
    Quote from fr0d0b0ls0n: Go

    I don't know why, but the units that usually don't have a mineral cost (like the Scientist in my example), even if you put a mineral cost, they return 0 when you call the action Cost of Unit Type.

    I tryed to put all the stuff in the data editor the same as other unit, but still doesn't return the mineral cost.

    This is actually a bug and it's been around since beta. To extract the actual cost field you can use catalog functions.

    Variable - Set Value = (Integer((Value of Units (String((Unit type of (Triggering unit)))) "CostResource[Minerals]" for player Any Player)))

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on So.....How are people getting lag-less WASD?

    Nobody has lag free WASD movement. Anyone who says they have is lying. It's that simple.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Play Animation Forever


    Like I said, it's that particular zergling animation that's broken. Anyway here's what you do:

    - Make a behavior called "Dancing"
    - For every unit you want to be able to make dance, add the following to their actor events:

       AnimBracketStart Dance Ignore Stand,Dance Ignore
       AnimBracketStop Dance

    - For the zergling only, add the following to their actor events:

       AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance
       TimerSet Dance 5.00
       TimerName Dance
       AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance
       TimerName Dance
       TimerSet Dance 5.00
       TimerKill Dance
       AnimClear Dance

    It's not pretty but annoying bugs require annoying workarounds.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Need help understanding how presets work, and their uses


    A preset is equivalent to a C++ enum.

    If that's not clear, it's an integer variable where the set of possible values is constrained. The GUI trigger editor hides the integer constants associated with the named values. So no, presets aren't ways of storing data.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on odd Transmission issue PLEASE HELP

    Portraits aren't preloaded by default, so it won't appear until the portrait model is loaded. You can fix this by preloading the portrait models you need for your map (there's a whole set of trigger actions for preloading assets.)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it possible to create a thick Fog for Terrain?

    Fog settings are under Terrain Texture Sets in the data editor.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on How to negate validators in an actor event

    Edit the raw XML.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Forum Software

    tl;dr the people behind curse have chronic not-developed-here syndrome. i bet they write custom string classes for every project too.

    but yeah, sorry vjeux/other mods but this really is the worst forum software possible. thread tracking is not an optional feature on a tech support forum and having 7 different kinds of markup to choose from is more of an anti-feature than anything.

    Posted in: General Chat
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