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    posted a message on quality of sc2 maps vs wc3 maps

    It's a little stupid to compare a game that's been out less than 2 months with one that's over eight years old. The WC3 maps didn't spring up overnight, either.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Additional features you want in GE
    Quote from SiNiquity: Go

    A guaranteed way to tell if an ability is able to be used and is not waiting to be researched (checking if the ability is not "Disabled" only works part of the time).

    Use a validator.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on How to make timer windows disappear

    This thread is 3 days old and nobody has yet pointed out that he isn't initializing the variables before he's using them?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with CatalogTrigger: Error... (ChangingTextures)

    @TerrorGurke: Go

    "Or isn't their even one - you just can't change Textures ingame?!"


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Supply and Demand, is it possible?

    This is rather trivially implemented, the difficulty is going to be creating a UI that displays the information in a user-friendly way.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Official] Forum upgrade suggestions

    Here's my suggestions, because I strongly prefer heavily moderated forums:

    • Probate people who bump their own topics.
    • Probate people who post the same topic in multiple forums.
    • Warn people who post topics in the wrong forum and probate after multiple offenses.
    • Warn/probate people who post completely unintelligible posts. I'm for some leeway since English isn't everyone's first language but if it's so garbled that nobody can understand what the hell you're talking about, it's not useful posting. Similarly one sentence posts where it's impossible to answer because the person was so vague or lazy in asking the question shouldn't be tolerated.

    But most of all:

    • Develop a comprehensive community FAQ with answers to common questions. Once this is in place, warn people who ask questions easily answered by browsing the FAQ, and probate/ban after multiple offenses.

    I think more than anything else that would improve the s/n ratio and make these forums quite a bit more useful for everyone. But like I said I strongly prefer heavily moderated forums and I know not everyone shares that point of view.

    Oh also, it'd be pretty awesome if there was a "solved" forum that could act a repository for good questions with good answers. Maybe make it so only mods could move existing threads there. Would be a good supplement to a FAQ.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why not use SM Models ?

    If you think it's so easy why the hell not do it yourself and then post a demo? I'm sure it'll get a lot of attention.

    I seriously can't understand what the point of this thread is.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Effect with a chance to happen?
    Quote from Fropper: Go

    yeah this works but isn't a really good solution, you can only add up to 8 effects so you can't get a chance of 0.15 e.g. so I am stuck with 1:7 so I have a chance of 0.142

    is there another way to do this?

    Damage response behaviors.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Slow Behavior Effect not working?

    Probably because you don't have the upgrade. Marauders don't slow their targets without the upgrade.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Resolved] What's the Field Path for the Modify Unit effect's Vitals?
    Quote from Yumeii: Go

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    Awesome! Thank you! I suppose I should find out how to view the raw XML now to avoid future re-occurrences.

    I haven't found a way to view it from within the editor, so I use Ladik's MPQ Extractor to unpack the map file.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on anyone missing global source? i am
    Quote from godakuma: Go

    i am sorry for making this i must look like a idiot

    I lol'd. At least you figured out what to do.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Blizzard Featured a Blizzard Map
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Quote from Bluerobin427: @RodrigoAlves: Go

    Yeah I don't think I have an issue with them featuring a Blizzard-made map in addition to player-made maps. However, as far as I can tell, they aren't featuring any player-made maps this week, just their own.

    Thats because most of the player maps suck. Sad , but true. Remember, I said "most", not all.

    There's going to be a wave of awesome maps when Blizzard announces the contest winners and everyone who didn't win is free to release their map to the public. A wave of awesome maps and an apocalyptic tsunami of terrible ones.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Resolved] How to stop allied units from pushing each other around?

    The Set Alliance Aspect trigger action allows you to disable pushing between allies. I don't know if you could stop units owned by the same player from pushing each other as it's a pretty fundamental part of how the pathfinding system works. If I understand what you're asking you basically want BW-style pathfinding where units will just get stuck if an ally is in the way?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Resolved] What's the Field Path for the Modify Unit effect's Vitals?


    The easiest way to figure out the field path is to take a look at the raw XML.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Pathing in editor does not match pathing in game
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Footprints aren't actual pathing, but they still block areas - hence why you always need to turn the doodad footprint of in cases like these, especially if you grab a big doodad and turn it into something small; without turning the footprint off, there'll be a huge invisible wall around your object.

    I understand that but I'm talking about the editor's placement grid display, not its painted pathing display. Clearly a different algorithm is used to determine the placement grid in the editor than in the actual game which leads to discrepancies like the one I posted.

    I guess I said pathing grid when I should have said placement grid in the OP.

    edit: Can a mod move this thread to the bug report forum?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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