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    posted a message on Bought Items goes into inventory?

    My friend asked me to come on here for this. He created a shop, but whenever people buys something from the shop, the item would fall onto the floor instead of going straight into the inventory. Is there a fix for this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Set rain to everywhere?

    @gizmachu: Go

    The issue is that currently I don't know what's the size of the doodad that it's supposed to take up, so I don't know if I have too much in one spot or too little :X

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Set rain to everywhere?

    Is there a way to somehow create rain on the entire map without putting down 10000 doodads?

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    posted a message on Dialog Button Help
    Quote from copperfront: Go

    I need some help with 2 buttons on my map. I'm having one button triggering one event and vise-versa First, i made the buttons. Quote:

    Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (200, 90) at (10, 360) relative to Top Right of screen

    Dialog - Create a button for dialog (Last created dialog)...blah blah

    Dialog - Show (Last created dialog) for (All players)

    Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (200, 90) at (10, 275) relative to Top Right of screen

    Dialog - Create a button for dialog (Last created dialog)... blah blah

    Dialog - Show (Last created dialog) for (All players)

    now i want two have two separate triggers each referring to each button being pressed.


    (new trigger: Event> *Button 1 is pressed* Action: run trigger1

    (new trigger: Event> *Button 2 is pressed* Action: run trigger2

    but the only event i can get is: Quote:

    Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player (Triggering player) with event type Clicked

    how can i assign the above bolded to the separate dialog button instead of "any dialog item" or "Last Created dialog item" ?

    Thanks in advanced, hopefully you understand what i'm asking!

    You can separate it with a condition: button 1 == used dialog item

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Get Timer Duration?
    Quote from Fellius: Go

    Uhhh, what the heck guys? Timer duration is an included function in SC2. It returns a real value, not an integer. If you really need an integer, use a conversion.


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    posted a message on Get Timer Duration?

    @BasicGear: Go

    lol, that method "technically" works under some working. However, does anyone know how to get that particular timer duration to be setted into a variable? I don't like to stare at a large trigger :\

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    posted a message on Get Timer Duration?

    Nah it's not for looks. I am trying to use it to carry on a timer that was left in the previous game into the bank. I am very sure there should be a way to do this.

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    posted a message on Get Timer Duration?

    Is it possible I can get the integer value left remaining in the timer? I've tried making a variable for it, found one in the - Preset, Timer Duration. I can't seem to figure out how to use it to pull a timer's duration though since there's no functions in it other than a preset "Infinite".

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    posted a message on Screen button, firing trigger twice?

    So I made a screen button in my map that is used to save a bank. I've only made one action to make the screen button at the map initialization. This button is shown after only when the player loaded the bank through a dialogue. For some reason when I am pressing the screen button, the trigger seems to be firing twice (indicated by my UI text appearing twice when there's only one of that action). Does anyone know why it could be firing twice?

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    posted a message on My trigger won't execute!


    Unit - Any Unit Enters (Region(Any Region))

    Does not function correctly. It doesn't actually register anything touching any regions.

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    posted a message on My trigger won't execute!


    Actually it states in the event to use "Triggering Player" to get the player controlling the "Triggering Unit",

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    posted a message on My trigger won't execute!

    Can anyone help me figure out why this trigger won't fire? It works when I force it to fire through another trigger, but then it doesn't work as intended.

    Basically, what's happening here is if a unit steps on this circular region (which is wired into a variable because there are going to be many buildings, but currently it does not have an array, as it's just one building), a dialogue pops up and ask if they want to enter the building or not.

    Entry Dialogue
            Unit - Any Unit Enters (Region(Any Region))
        Local Variables
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Triggering region) == Building Entries
                    ((Triggering unit) is in Building Entries) == true
                    Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (500, 400) at (0, 0) relative to Center of screen
                    Variable - Set BuildingEntryDialogue = (Last created dialog)
                    Dialog - Set title of BuildingEntryDialogue to "Enter Building?"
                    Dialog - Create a button for dialog BuildingEntryDialogue with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (-50, 0) setting the tooltip to "Does not make the unit enter the bu..." with button text "No" and the hover image set to ""
                    Variable - Set BuildingEntryReply[0] = (Last created dialog item)
                    Dialog - Create a button for dialog BuildingEntryDialogue with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (50, 0) setting the tooltip to "Makes the unit enter the building." with button text "Yes" and the hover image set to ""
                    Variable - Set BuildingEntryReply[1] = (Last created dialog item)
                    Variable - Set MoveThisUnit = (Triggering unit)
                    Dialog - Show BuildingEntryDialogue for (Player group((Triggering player)))
                    Dialog - Show BuildingEntryDialogue for (Player group((Triggering player)))

    I've tried taking out that action in the Else, but it won't fire. I also took out the conditions in the if's but it still won't fire. Anyone got any idea?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with using eveything in Arrays

    Thanks guys.

    So there's no easy way of making the game check for all unit types and all region all at once? Cause I have a messy trigger that actually works.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with using eveything in Arrays

    Okay so I have a small dilemma of not knowing how to do this.

    What I am trying to do is to create many safe zones in my map, for certain unit types.

    Both of these are already in arrays. I have 6 Safe Zones (Array1[5]) and 16 certain unit types (Array2[15]) I'd like to be kept inside these safe zones. If they leave, they would die. How would I go about it?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Uh... For and Variable clarification...


    Anyone know how to find unit type?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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