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    posted a message on Need some help creating tower defense

    Would anyone be willing to help really quickly? I know it's a very amateur question but I really hope someone can help me with this! :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need some help creating tower defense

    Hi, I'm trying to create a tower defense to learn a little bit about the map editor. The only past experience I have is with the original StarEdit for Broodwar, so I have very little experience. So far I've created a path and triggers ordering the enemy units to move towards the finish area. However, I have been trying to make my towers and so far I've encountered a few problems.

    Firstly, my towers are units, for example, ghost/roach/mutalisk/tank/archon. So, I spent a while trying to find a way to make the SCV not able to build them in the enemy path. Blocking the pathing for buildings did not work except for siege tanks, so I took the siege tank footprint and applied it to all of my towers. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way my towers lost some things and I don't know how - they lost their attack animation / attack sounds and now they don't even fire unless the direction they face when they are built is towards the enemy. They no longer turn, even though I enabled turnable for them. The names of my towers begin with "tower of" and the name of the builder is "team defender". It might be hard to find stuff because I'm new and made several copies and things might be a bit of a mess.

    I have several more questions I might want to ask later if I can get these dang towers to work. If anyone would like to try and help out I'd really appreciate it! Thanks :)

    Map: http://rapidshare.com/files/385100995/SuppyTD.SC2Map.html

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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