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    posted a message on SotIS Unlocked

    Wow this is all very eye opening, i released my map the other day publicly with locked turn on with no idea it could be picked apart.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzard Custom Map Contest Winner?

    Edit: Haven't played any of these maps not gonna judge.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on IK Animation

    @Circulation: Go


    Inverse and and forward respectively. Think of a snake as inverse, able to move almost without gravity, whereas forward kinematics are a more normal bone structure.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Release] Cosmic Eclipse

    First of all, map only exists on the US server.

    First public release of Cosmic Eclipse is up if anyone wants to give it a go. It's a space shooter like asteroids but with an RPG, PVP twist sure to be on page 14 or 26 at the time of this posting.

    Video to give you an idea of what it's about:

    Depressing back story if anyone takes interest in the history of these maps and what's going on with mod making, the trials and tribulations:

    Over the past month the desire to continue working on the mod has greatly diminished. We pushed incredibly hard to finish under the contest deadline and in our haste put together much of the games systems and infrastructure haphazardly. We figured we'd recharge our batteries for a week or two, find out we won the competition and in that moment of glory go back and fix everything up for future features. Well we tried our best but there were obviously better mods. But these are the moments that test you right? So some judges didn't like the map, we'll fix it up and see what the public thinks of a well balanced feature complete map. Well, my buddy who did the UI (which would take weeks to figure out just to reach the point of expanding on it) ends up bailing for full time employment. I've spent the past week trying to bring myself to work on it but just can't any more. About 3 months of hard work went into this thing and over a year of brainstorming but if i try to make it into anything more than it is it's going to drive me crazy. With graduation and student loans looming I can't be weighed down by pie in the sky dreams of making my own successful starcraft mod for a map system that hasn't turned into what blizzard promised it would be. This game design business truly is a brutal process at times.

    But who knows, maybe the mod will take off and i'll find some renewed purpose in it, my buddy could find some time to keep working on UI or with the new interest in the mod find others to work on it.

    Anyway, I fear I'm rambling. Try it out I hope there's something in it's half finished design that you enjoy!

    P.S. Impaling thrusters is pretty damned cool and so are the homing missiles but they're a little tricky to use. You gotta press "3" to select homing missiles, hold down right click till it charges and once you fire the volley of missiles, holding left click will fire a targeting laser that will cause the missiles to attack anything the painting laser hits while simultaneously cause the target to cause more explosive damage.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    That icefrog link is pretty unsubstantiated. And i don't blame a guy from wanting to remain annonymous with a community like DOTA's.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on DotA 2 by Valve

    I really don't know what to think of the whole situation. At the end of the day, if they release it and it's an amazing game that's all that matters, but i'm a bit offput by the major game companies releasing sequel after sequel. Am I a bit disappointed it's a straight up conversion of the original? Yes.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The Guess Why Your Username is What it is Game

    @Nebruzias: Go

    Backswards for "says you are Ben", implying that you tell people your name is Ben, but it actually isn't ben.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned

    kinda shocked to be edited, not trying to stir up anything at this point just kinda dumbfounded.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned

    Edited by s3rius: Please keep this kind of comments to yourself next time.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned

    BULLSHIT and you can put that in your DICKshonary,

    High fives all around :D!!!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Planetside

    I interned on this game about a year ago and played it way back in the day :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on easiest way to research upgrade only for one unit?

    change the requirement on the slow from a tech research to a buff that's on the unit. Make a new skill for the unit that adds said buff to the unit, but instead of charging energy like most spells, have it charge minerals.

    You're just going to have to poke around the data editor to figure this stuff out in the end, there aren't any easy answers when it comes to figuring out this stuff at first.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Any word on the map blizzard custom map result winners?

    He's actually a pretty active poster, doubt he'd BS about something like this.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Any word on the map blizzard custom map result winners?

    Looks like winners have been chosen according to bravetarget:


    Grats to the winners.

    Posted in: General Chat
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