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    posted a message on SC2 Deleted Cutscene

    Hahaha, why more of this stupid crap doesn't actually end up in more games i'll never know.

    I loved the part where raynor was deep in thought, looking back at the gold old days. Drop kickin zerglings and arm barring hydralisks YEeee HAW!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Broken popularity system, let's fight back?

    @Colt556: Go

    Why AotN never caught on we will never know, but blizzard better patent it just to be safe.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Cosmic Eclipse now OPEN SOURCE

    The Asteroids inspired space shooter Cosmic Eclipse is now being made open source to anyone and everyone. Pick it apart, learn from it, steal from it, there are some really cool weapon system, upgrade systems, and movement mechanics that could be used in all manner of ways.

    Game dev's a hell of a thing and things don't always go as planned, but i had a hell of a good time making the map and worked with some great developers on it over time, but sometimes things outside of your control happen. Them's the breaks!

    Anyway, enjoy the mod!

    Through Mapster: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/cosmic-eclipse/

    If anyone has any questions about the mechanics and how it works don't be shy about asking. If it's easy enough to answer i'll help you out.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Broken popularity system, let's fight back?

    Eh, I don't see any good coming out of this... for anyone.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 3ds max put keys automatically every # frames

    Not sure if this would work, but perhaps you could simply reduce your frames by the frames per second. Then using the set key hotkey in max just click next frame, add frame, then repeat. Then simply adjust your playback speed on export to be very small.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How to make boosting effective?

    I released the totally half finished version of my map and within a few hours i was at about 30ish plays an hour with no artificial boosting, had my map been finished and good to go i'm pretty sure it woulda climbed the charts.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on So abandon our projects, or abuse pop system?

    I think we've all been down about this map crap, but seriously you just gotta tough it out. Only thing standing between you and the front page is making an awesome map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How to make boosting effective?

    I think the most effective thing you can do is record a youtube video of your map/mod worth watching, with some nice narration and music. If it's really good you might be able to contact people who do video reviews of starcraft to showcase your map. Good map/ video and you'll likely hit hte front pages of map sites and SC2 news sites. This is my plan of action should i ever get around to finishing my map.

    If you know the right people here, or just go to the IRC chat you may get to know someone who knows someone who can get your map featured, reviewed, etc.

    Most importaly make an amazing map and the advertising will take care of itself, note exactly a lot of competition right now.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2010 Discussion

    Haha, awesome, great job Rrowland! Hope you found Sixen and managed to party your balls off somehow :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2010 Discussion

    Someone's gotta post a link of Rrowland, i wanna see the Mapster shutout as i'm sure many others do ;)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzard DOTA

    @zeldarules28: Go

    I have mixed feelings. In many ways making a straight up remix of dota with "OMG BLIZZARD CHARS!" seems a bit unimaginative, and a chess theme? Why? This seems like a poor design decision that has no real purpose. Overall I just don't get a sense that the design team behind this mod are really passionate about the product or have what it takes to make an amazing mod. It feels more like a half-assed attempt to hold on to the DOTA IP stricly for monatary and corporate reasons, a techicality they can bring up in court to prevent valve from owning the title. On the other hand, valve has said DOTA 2 is a straight up remake of the original with improved graphics, if this is true i'm really no more impressed by this either (though i am oblivious to the changes that have been made to the warcraft III version over the years, seems like they wouldn't be too impressive considering hte restraints of the engine). It's my hope that valve simply doesn't want to spill the beans on the awesome new stuff they have planned for fear the countless number of DOTA clones in existance now would try to steal them.

    Long story short, it doesn't feel like they're making this mod because they want an awesome game, more because they have to, and i just don't see it being all that compelling visually, technically, or gameplay-wise.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't... stop... laughing...

    Put the bottle down Aegis, we're worried about you.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2010 Discussion

    Good to hear blizzards making their own maps that focus precisely on what the editor is lacking in at this point. I also find it hilarious that they're doing a Left 4 dead ripoff in the starcraft 2 editor, that'll show valve for "stealing" the DOTA brand! (Seige) TAAaaaaaank!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on StarCraft II: Gets children raped and promotes gays in the army!

    I was pretty sure this was all a joke till i saw the "hatian with aids" posting as unsaved trash.

    I'm laughing my ass off at your sig Mr12toe

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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