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    posted a message on Bridges Bridges Bridges

    Warcraft 3 only ran with one level of pathing,

    so essentially even if you had a razed platform off the ground it is still level with the rest of the terrain it only 'acts' as if it is flying

    Now in warcraft3 there was ways around that, such as running a script to turn a unit into a flying unit while within a certain region and then use other tricks to stop them from being able to run where ever as a flying unit, it got pretty tricky

    HOWEVER i do remember reading in an interview or a panel or something about the editor that says it has support for MULTI levels of pathing (allowing a unit to walk over a bridge wile a unit walks under the bridge at the same time) whether its currently implemented or how to do it im not currently sure, but i would look at the invisible platform doodads, there might be one specifically for multi level pathing or there might be an option to turn it on. Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom Unit Rax's and Collision Size

    try just copying the barracks, changing it's model file and then changing what units it can build

    might have to edit the units too (since zerg units build from larva) so might have to base them off zealots,marines, etc

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [WIP TERRAIN] - Rock/forest/thing

    Just some stuff I threw together just before (in about 15-20mins) messing around with the editor, some pretty awesome doodads there!

    These are by no means amazing, just wanted to show something I made quite quickly, hopefully it will help someone

    I will spend some more time later making some new and better stuff (being this is the first beta release it is FAR more annoying to use than WC3 editor) tho having said that I love the fact you can raise doodads and move them around at their raised height without them snapping back to the default height!

    http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1919/terrain001.th.jpg http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/5686/terrain002.th.jpg http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/5010/terrain003.th.jpg


    EDIT: Fixing links

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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