i PERSONALLY uncheck the "use material" box and use Assets/Textures/ for my textures. it SOUND like you exported with the matierla defined on and it's reading the image from you harddriver rather than your map.
so it LOOKS like it works for you, but they don't see it.
yeah NiN i knew it was a bounding sphere (used to do alot of war3 models know all about it) but i was just letting other people know that if they imported a sc2 model they'd have to unhide and delete the sphere :)
@Skoite: Go
just offering ideas for if you want to do a more 80's one ;)
not bad at ALL.
so far it's in the lead lol. if i could make a couple suggestions?
1. no name. can add that later to match the ingame one.
2. the names on the guns seem weird.
3. red marine should be in front.
4. marines look too copy > paste > mirror. maybe try to find another pic of a marine from samwise?
In all honesty, it doesn't even need WORDS. just so long as the picture gets the point across. i'll edit the picture to my liking from there.
@AegisRunestone: Go
what you would do is attachsmall archons to the "head" "target" and "origin" points. both weapons if possible. should create a nice glowy effect.
I need an AWESOME 80's nintendo cover style loading screen for my Terran Conflict map. (watch the video in the news)
something in that vein. blue and red marine for the players. from there it's up to you. all ZERG enemies though so keep that in mind.
best one wins.
@NiNtoxicated01: Go
if you ever need a test monkey... i'm here for you :) i can do 90% of the stuff requested and at a pretty good speed :)
and i'd personally like to request particle emitters :P
@Cyb3rD3lux3: Go
double / triple check your pathing.
i PERSONALLY uncheck the "use material" box and use Assets/Textures/ for my textures. it SOUND like you exported with the matierla defined on and it's reading the image from you harddriver rather than your map. so it LOOKS like it works for you, but they don't see it.
@Cyb3rD3lux3: Go
what was your problem?
this is what they SHOULD look like in the game 228Zip is making.
@kozm0naut: Go
sorry but they are for a project i am working on...
@DeKrasik: Go
try going to "run scripts" and reload the exporter that way. only way i seem to get it to work.
and this is for 228zips buggy map.
@NiNtoxicated01: Go
yeah NiN i knew it was a bounding sphere (used to do alot of war3 models know all about it) but i was just letting other people know that if they imported a sc2 model they'd have to unhide and delete the sphere :)
I made a logo model for putting in maps as a doodad :)
to put it in your map:
extract folder somewhere (desktop is good)
go to importer in GE
browse to the folder you extracted to.
everything should be selected.
edit a model in the data editor (I used Garage)
the model should be in "assets/models/skizot/mapsterlogo.m3"
@crazyfingers619: Go
also if you have imported an existing model.. make sure to show all hidden models... there's a sphere hidden.
made some item models for terran but stripping them off the units.
to make list items work, you have to add the first one, the do them backwards.
1 5 4 3 2
it will line them up ingame as
1 2 3 4 5
for some reason the first one is ALWAYS added first, THEN it goes backwards.