I'm curious if you have a solution for every click on a button in the sub menu (3-4 command cards) booting you out to the unit's main command card? If so then you would have solved pretty much all our problems with originally trying to implement an attribute system that particular way. Call it preference, but much of our thought goes into those annoying little quirks so that our players won't have to experience them. While we have had to do a lot of extra work I don't mind when we make things more player friendly. However, if you have a solution to that particular problem then we could save ourselves some screen space.
Data editor is limited to using built-in UI. Hopefully this isn't the case for future galaxy editors in expansions
Ya i was looking for a more diablo style attribute system where you would gain say 3 points a level and distribute them to whatever stat you want.
If anyone can clarify how to do that it would be appreciated.
So it's just 3x wc3 attribute ability
Make a Learn ability which gives 3 points per level.
Make 3x dummy ability (any learnable ability is fine) for each attribute
Make multiple behaviors (buffs) and attach all of them on the hero
On the behavior attach an validator/requirement for dummy ability learned
Currently any passive abilities (behaviors) have to be learned this way.
^That's the huge redundancy I was talking about.
I don't think you asked anything about how you are going to implement other non-attribute ability for learning (or maybe there is no other learning system or you want that in UI who knows) but if you want to make a different ability separate ability point pool, just create another learn ability.
Level (or "veterancy") is a behavior. You can probably set up a requirement using the "Count Behaviors" node.
na that doesn't work. Because Counter behaviors literally "counts" behaviors, oppose to "count ability" which counts the level of the ability
S/he needs to make a level validator for each dummy behavior that corresponds with the requirement s/he may require. Hopefully this will be fixed in near future.
Not if you want a separate Attribute point based system (IE when the hero levels he gets 5 attribute points to distribute which are separate from skill points).
No... Because SC2 supports multiple learning system. Where you can literally make two learning abilities and they will have two separate skill points (they are independent abilities). However, of course as I said, you have to make validator (in this case requirement) for each level of that behavior (e.g. STR Level 1 buff, STR Level 2 buff) which is very redundant. We probably have to wait until Blizzard makes update to galaxy editor so these sort of stuff become less repetitive work.
But I could be wrong, he could be asking for what the dota map had where you use skill points to increase all three of your attribute points.
No but that's not what I meant at all. You can use the same attribute system to increase one attribute one by one but have three of them LIKE WC3 which was not triggered in any way. I was giving example of the type of ability in wc3 he wanted. He has not asked for other abilities and either way people used attribute system without triggers in wc3. sighz I have to repeat myself?.
Looking at your picture, you could have used the data editor (but using normal UI and using up one page of command buttons) but as I stated before that will be redundant compared using triggers.
The problem is that as I stated earlier is that you cannot use trigger in mods. Another problem is that we don't actually know how hero revive system will work. Right now it removes all behaviors from the hero. After the revive is fixed and if all behavior but veterinary is removed (the way the current revive function is programmed it looks that way) then your method will be as redundant as the data editor as you have to re-add the behavior upon revival or somehow catch behavior before the unit dies and transfer it to a dummy unit then transfer back. Poorly designed by Blizzard IMO. Why couldn't they just make behaviors learn-able through ability called "Learn"!
Find Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - On] - Term[ Set Scale 1.5,1.5,1.5 - Blend time 1 seconds looks nice IMO]
Find Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Term[ Set Scale 1,1,1 - Blend time 0.5 seconds looks nice]
And yes you have to do it for every hero that has avatar ability. sighz
Well Blizzard had to do actor stop animation for phoenix graviton beam for every ground unit. XP
EDIT: Nevermind I found an easier way.
Make a new actor, target as _Unit
A new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Create] - Term[ Set Scale 1.5,1.5,1.5 - Blend time 1 seconds looks nice IMO]
The new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Term[ Set Scale 1,1,1 - Blend time 0.5 seconds looks nice]
The new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Destroy
For both terms use write _Unit as target. Should work ^^
Regarding attribute points our team was having problems doing them completely data side, we had to use triggers as well in order finish them up. I'm wondering if Shnayed was wanting something like the standard WC3 or something closer to Diablo style attribute points. Our team did something closer to Diablo style attribute points. so there was no way to do them in data alone.
He has not even once mentioned anything about custom skill set up. He just wants attribute system.
I had troubles making passive abilities for heroes at first, spent a day on it. Only figured it out after looking at that map and how attribute system worked (essentially passive ability learning on hero) worked.
Though the map maker didn't understand the attribute system fully he did make it work at the end.
If you want to know how to make diabloish attribute system using data editor. Attach the +1/+2/+3 stats behavior on the unit before hand. Just make a dummy learning ability. Use a requirement on the stats behavior. When the unit learns the ability stats behavior is enabled. Simple. Redundant (what in galaxy data editor isn't?), nevertheless simple.
I'm trying to avoid using triggers because if ppl want to make a mod for sc2 (which is an option opened by Blizzard), you can only use data editor (with the current editor).
"Range Slop" indicates how far the target is allow to go before the attack is cancelled. For instance, the Void Ray's attack has a range of 7 and a range slop of 2. That means if the void ray attacks you from a distance of 7, and you start retreating, the void ray's attack won't cancel until you exceed a range of 9.
For abilities, I think it is "Range Extra."
Wow I didn't even know this. Range Slop, best wording ever (excuse my sarcasm).
Should experiment with weapons more.
1 - Thanks - I am so foolish to not think of feedback, that is an obvious start point 2 - Okay, I'll check that out too, I actually think I can make that kind of resource work
I have another question - do you know of a start point for an ability that would be used (passively) upon a unit reaching 1 HP? My concept is for an immortal that will 'rebuild' itself once it reaches 1 HP - back to full health My first guess is to do this through triggers but I would prefer to use the data editor
Thanks again
Create an effect that heals, or repairs; whatever you are going for
Create a buff
[Your Buff] - [Damage response - Chance : 1] - [Damage response - Fatal: Enabled] - [Damage response - Handled: Your Effect]
Add Buff to the unit
If you mean reaching 1 hp as in the unit takes a fatal blow, and you want to trigger an effect when that happens, this is how to do it.
Actually, the way current sc2 upgrades (in normal melee) overcomes this problem is by making every level its own upgrade ^^ redundancy REJOICE~~\\
U guess you can make a validator to stop it. Alternatively make 25 upgrades :P
How to use validators are everywhere in tutorial section in the forums.
Under Actor section look for both Viking and Viking Assault (your copied "actors")
Go to Events Field
Look for Abilmorph.*.Start and Abilmorph.*.Finish; Check if it is the copied units for MorphTo and MorphFrom.
Do this process for both actors.
If everything is correct, you didn't copy one or more of these following actors
Assault Mode (Sound) OPTIONAL it's just sound when transforming
Assault Mode Anim (Event) REQ
Assault Morph Model (Probably what you are missing)
Fighter Mode (Sound) OPTIONAL it's just sound when transforming
Fighter Mode Anim (Event) REQ
Fighter Morph Model (Probably what you are missing)
You can do that now. Make sure you duplicate these actors from your copied unit.
1. High Templar - Feedback
But what you want, if you want 2x
Feedback (based on energy) - Vital Fraction Current - Energy - 2
2. Short Answer: No idea.
Vitals seem to be in "core". However alternatively, you can add it manually through triggers I guess. One way will be making image near the unit but that will be highly inefficient. The way I would do it, using the building progress bar (built-in function), and using that as representation of the custom vital. However, numbers won't be displayed on the unit. So yeah, back to square one.
I take for granted that people post accurate questions to get accurate answer. I am not correcting their questions based on what I think they want, but I try to give suggestions to get exactly what he wrote he wanted. And what he wrote sounds more like an RPG such as Tkok than DotA.
With the need to trigger I was refering to WC3 btw. I haven't done enough with the skill system in SC2 to be able to give more than suggestions. I just know the general outline from the time of annoying XML editing.
It seems we developed a higher interest in this thread than Shnayed himself.
However, the problem I am having (and I am deeply concerned since you are a fellow map developer) is that you are not reading what you have said and what others have said. Let's say that is what he wanted, a stats system that does not share point pool with the abilities. Even in wc3 you did not code "attribute system" through triggers. Map makers made the stats through the built-in function and made the skill tree through triggers. How inefficient would it be to use triggers for attribute distribution while Blizzard has made a simple built-in function for you. I even pointed out your picture of attribute system was the wc3 built-in system.
Is there an in-built mechanic that lets you distribute a number of stats points yourself without interfering with the hero skill points? Nope, gotta trigger it since you only have one pool for skill points.
He said like you can in wc3. As in like dota, stats up like +2 =_= gosh
In SC2. yes, you just add two Learn behaviors, link one to page 2 and other one to page 3 (any page is fine though).
Don't be too hasty with your answers there buddy\\
Data editor is limited to using built-in UI. Hopefully this isn't the case for future galaxy editors in expansions
So it's just 3x wc3 attribute ability
Make a Learn ability which gives 3 points per level.
Make 3x dummy ability (any learnable ability is fine) for each attribute
Make multiple behaviors (buffs) and attach all of them on the hero
On the behavior attach an validator/requirement for dummy ability learned
Currently any passive abilities (behaviors) have to be learned this way.
^That's the huge redundancy I was talking about.
I don't think you asked anything about how you are going to implement other non-attribute ability for learning (or maybe there is no other learning system or you want that in UI who knows) but if you want to make a different ability separate ability point pool, just create another learn ability.
na that doesn't work. Because Counter behaviors literally "counts" behaviors, oppose to "count ability" which counts the level of the ability
S/he needs to make a level validator for each dummy behavior that corresponds with the requirement s/he may require. Hopefully this will be fixed in near future.
No... Because SC2 supports multiple learning system. Where you can literally make two learning abilities and they will have two separate skill points (they are independent abilities). However, of course as I said, you have to make validator (in this case requirement) for each level of that behavior (e.g. STR Level 1 buff, STR Level 2 buff) which is very redundant. We probably have to wait until Blizzard makes update to galaxy editor so these sort of stuff become less repetitive work.
Did someone say search button? Well I did
Exactly the same problem and also resolved.
No but that's not what I meant at all. You can use the same attribute system to increase one attribute one by one but have three of them LIKE WC3 which was not triggered in any way. I was giving example of the type of ability in wc3 he wanted. He has not asked for other abilities and either way people used attribute system without triggers in wc3. sighz I have to repeat myself?.
Looking at your picture, you could have used the data editor (but using normal UI and using up one page of command buttons) but as I stated before that will be redundant compared using triggers.
Also I made a topic about this agesss ago.
The problem is that as I stated earlier is that you cannot use trigger in mods. Another problem is that we don't actually know how hero revive system will work. Right now it removes all behaviors from the hero. After the revive is fixed and if all behavior but veterinary is removed (the way the current revive function is programmed it looks that way) then your method will be as redundant as the data editor as you have to re-add the behavior upon revival or somehow catch behavior before the unit dies and transfer it to a dummy unit then transfer back. Poorly designed by Blizzard IMO. Why couldn't they just make behaviors learn-able through ability called "Learn"!
Or use the data editor
Find Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - On] - Term[ Set Scale 1.5,1.5,1.5 - Blend time 1 seconds looks nice IMO]
Find Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Term[ Set Scale 1,1,1 - Blend time 0.5 seconds looks nice]
And yes you have to do it for every hero that has avatar ability. sighz
Well Blizzard had to do actor stop animation for phoenix graviton beam for every ground unit. XP
EDIT: Nevermind I found an easier way.
Make a new actor, target as _Unit
A new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Create] - Term[ Set Scale 1.5,1.5,1.5 - Blend time 1 seconds looks nice IMO]
The new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Term[ Set Scale 1,1,1 - Blend time 0.5 seconds looks nice]
The new Actor for the avatar hero - Events[ Behavior {Avatar (name of your buff)} - Off] - Destroy
For both terms use write _Unit as target. Should work ^^
He has not even once mentioned anything about custom skill set up. He just wants attribute system.
Attribute system can be seen here
Linkage: http://sc2.curse.com/downloads/sc2-maps/details/survival.aspx
I had troubles making passive abilities for heroes at first, spent a day on it. Only figured it out after looking at that map and how attribute system worked (essentially passive ability learning on hero) worked.
Though the map maker didn't understand the attribute system fully he did make it work at the end.
If you want to know how to make diabloish attribute system using data editor. Attach the +1/+2/+3 stats behavior on the unit before hand. Just make a dummy learning ability. Use a requirement on the stats behavior. When the unit learns the ability stats behavior is enabled. Simple. Redundant (what in galaxy data editor isn't?), nevertheless simple.
I'm trying to avoid using triggers because if ppl want to make a mod for sc2 (which is an option opened by Blizzard), you can only use data editor (with the current editor).
Wow I didn't even know this. Range Slop, best wording ever (excuse my sarcasm).
Should experiment with weapons more.
Flag - untick cloaked
You may want to remove the button as well.
Create an effect that heals, or repairs; whatever you are going for
Create a buff
[Your Buff] - [Damage response - Chance : 1] - [Damage response - Fatal: Enabled] - [Damage response - Handled: Your Effect]
Add Buff to the unit
If you mean reaching 1 hp as in the unit takes a fatal blow, and you want to trigger an effect when that happens, this is how to do it.
Actually, the way current sc2 upgrades (in normal melee) overcomes this problem is by making every level its own upgrade ^^ redundancy REJOICE~~\\ U guess you can make a validator to stop it. Alternatively make 25 upgrades :P
How to use validators are everywhere in tutorial section in the forums.
Under Actor section look for both Viking and Viking Assault (your copied "actors")
Go to Events Field
Look for Abilmorph.*.Start and Abilmorph.*.Finish; Check if it is the copied units for MorphTo and MorphFrom.
Do this process for both actors.
If everything is correct, you didn't copy one or more of these following actors
Assault Mode (Sound) OPTIONAL it's just sound when transforming
Assault Mode Anim (Event) REQ
Assault Morph Model (Probably what you are missing)
Fighter Mode (Sound) OPTIONAL it's just sound when transforming
Fighter Mode Anim (Event) REQ
Fighter Morph Model (Probably what you are missing)
You can do that now. Make sure you duplicate these actors from your copied unit.
1. High Templar - Feedback
But what you want, if you want 2x
Feedback (based on energy) - Vital Fraction Current - Energy - 2
2. Short Answer: No idea.
Vitals seem to be in "core". However alternatively, you can add it manually through triggers I guess. One way will be making image near the unit but that will be highly inefficient. The way I would do it, using the building progress bar (built-in function), and using that as representation of the custom vital. However, numbers won't be displayed on the unit. So yeah, back to square one.
However, the problem I am having (and I am deeply concerned since you are a fellow map developer) is that you are not reading what you have said and what others have said. Let's say that is what he wanted, a stats system that does not share point pool with the abilities. Even in wc3 you did not code "attribute system" through triggers. Map makers made the stats through the built-in function and made the skill tree through triggers. How inefficient would it be to use triggers for attribute distribution while Blizzard has made a simple built-in function for you. I even pointed out your picture of attribute system was the wc3 built-in system.
At least we gave Shnayed a lot to think about.
He said like you can in wc3. As in like dota, stats up like +2 =_= gosh
In SC2. yes, you just add two Learn behaviors, link one to page 2 and other one to page 3 (any page is fine though).
Don't be too hasty with your answers there buddy\\