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    posted a message on Starcraft II DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum

    Love SotIS as you already know. Just wondering if you could post a changelog somewhere for each version :-D <3 Thanks

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    posted a message on SCII DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum: Beta Testing

    More on v1.52

    Balance Suggestion - Garamond Singsprocket (Mule) - Mule should be targeted by tower first before his scvs. Currently the towers will attack the scvs as the mule sits there and solos the tower.


    Perhaps at spawning well players should be able to path through each other if thats possible or if not change the well to a more open area possibly. People are always getting stuck when somebody is buying an item or when there are marines standing around, afkers can also trap a teamate at the well, and ragers can buy a few of marines and trap there whole team in the well. Doubt this happens too often, but it is cluttered up in there regardless, and the AFK thing has happened to me trapped 2 teamates at the well with the afker.

    EDIT 2:

    I'm sure you know about the ultimate issue of still sticking to a person after they die for Subterran Unix causing them to die over and over again. There is also a problem with his ult where he can stand on the cliff or out of range of the archon (or any creep for that matter) and they will not engage him. So at level 6 I was able to take down both archons, just takes a little bit of time because 40 per sec is kind of slow, but still got a couple levels and 1k gold, clearly worth it and cleary exploit :-P

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    posted a message on SCII DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum: Beta Testing


    Tooltip Error - Geminus Borros is Psionic - Melee not Psionic - Ranged

    Tooltip Error - Accelerator does not stack, should say "Bonuses from this item do not stack." like the Primal Gutter does (or be stackable).

    Balance Suggestion - Vagabond DARPA - Make turrets do 8, 16, 24, 32. Currently if Vaga has max turrets setup somewhere it is impossible to push the lane or get a kill on reaper if he focuses turrets on you. Increasing mana cost would be an ineffective way of balancing it since mid game he will still be able to spam it after he gets a Stabilizer.

    Balance Suggestion - Subterran Unix - Make infested terran do 8, 16, 24, 32 like the Vaga suggestion. This will give him equal lane pushing power, since he can spam more of them than Vaga but they do not last as long. Possibly slightly faster hatching as well, this well help with hero killing since currently you can run away quite easily before they hatch (may not be quite as big an issue if damage is increased).

    Balance Suggestion - Subterran Unix - Increase damage on fungal toxin to 60, 110, 160, 210. Currently damage is far too low especially late game it is only useful as a good AoE snare.


    Backdoor protection is needed. Been backdoor'd 4 times today, they kill one tower, then ranged can attack nydus while other tower just sits there. I even got backdoor'd once with no roach warrens down, Sartonis just ran up in there killed the top tower solo, then proceeded to rape Nydus in under a minute, all while creeps were all the way in his base in all lanes. Ruined an hour long game out of nowhere.

    Protection is needed so two towers around nydus cannot be attack until one lane has been taken. Then another protection so the nydus cannot be attacked until both towers guarding it die.

    Sartonis needs to be toned down some more, his lifesteal is beyond amazing, and with zerg symbiosis and the gravitic booster late game he is unstoppable without 3-5 people on him. The main problem is his lifesteal is just too excessive late game.


    You can currently kite a lane in circles around a group of marines using your hero to kite and marines to kill lane, lane will not attack marines when hero is around.

    Thor could also use a buff in health or armor, he gets raped easily by the time anyone can afford him.

    Balance Suggestion - Lord Zyrkhan - Ultimate damage could use another 5 damage per immortal. It protects him pretty good against melee, which seems the main point of the spell, but a little more damage would make it more useful.


    Damn you guy above me I want a cow picture!

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    posted a message on SCII DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum: Beta Testing



    Shadow Geminus' Stepping Strikes glitches out in many areas. One being any large building, roach warren, gateway, cybernetics core, sometimes even the larger towers, etc. he will attack 1-3 times then get stuck on the building causing you to have to walk off the building and re-attack for another 1-3 attacks and repeat. Many creeps give him problems with getting stuck in the trees and either having to walk off and re-attack or sometimes he is so stuck he need to cast Shade to blink out of trees. Also when creeping he will unintentionally jump off nearby cliffs and have to walk around.

    All in all I think this move needs to be changed to something else. The move is too glitchy, causes you to go in tower range on accident while laning, doesn't add damage, attack speed, and rarely even helps you in chases which seems to be the main purpose of the move. Only thing this move is good for is getting you out of the middle of a bunch of units.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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