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    posted a message on Suggestion / Request - modules' linking basics

    Im not gonna do an all out tutorial, but I can point you in the right direction.

    Where are actors linked to effects/units?
    Most actors have a field called Events (Can't think of an actor that doesn't, but they might be in there). This is a list of events, conditions and actions relevant to this actor - kind of like little triggers for the actor. For most actors, they have some event, with an action called Create. That is where the magic happens.. For instance, the battle cruiser actor have the event


    Note: units are linked to models through their actor. The Unit Actor has fields for the diffrent models belonging to that unit.

    If you want something in relation to effects. The actor "High Templar Psi Storm Model" has an event


    That creates an actor for the lightning cloud when someone use Psi Storm. This actor also has a field to specify which model should be displayed

    So, how is effects linked to units? Through weapons, abilities or behaviors. You can add weapons to a unit, and a weapon is just starting an effect towards the targeted unit. Abities of type Effect - Target or Effect - Instant also just starts effects when executed.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Slowing down a baneling

    I'm thinking this would probally be easier in the data editor, if you want it to work pr unit rather then pr unit type..

    I made a solution in the data editor you can look at, or disregard if you would rather have it in triggers :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Building upgrade animation

    hmm. you know, you just rezzed a 100 day old thread..

    But on topic.. Your solution is based around playing an animation in the events of the barracks actor, and since this actor does not contain the barracks build animation (I did reefer to the model Barracks Build), so I don't see how it would work - did you test it? (I didn't)

    Anyway, I solved this with triggers a long time ago - not the most elegant solution, but it works nicely ingame.

    and there I went rezzing a 7 day old thread :)

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    posted a message on Is there a unit property for its race?

    I haven't tested it for this field, but you should be able to use http://wiki.sc2mapster.com/galaxy/triggers/catalog-field-value-get/ to access the field from the data editor.

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    posted a message on [Data] Autocast not working 100%

    You don't have to scrap everything you done in the data editor. I assume you are using an Effect - Target ability. Then you could just apply your effect from the trigger. Should only be necessary to  do some minor changes to the triggers. (I assume - dont know everything about your implementation ofc)

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    posted a message on [Solved][Data]Creating a permenent beam

    Yep, that works :)

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    posted a message on [Solved][Data]Creating a permenent beam

    It does go away long before the persistent effect should end (the periods are set to 999). It just takes about 1-2 seconds.

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    posted a message on [Solved][Data]Creating a permenent beam

    Yeah, that seems to work nicely - apart from one thing.. If one of the units dies, it takes a couple of seconds before the beam disapears. You know how to fix that?

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    posted a message on [Trigger] Dialog - Destroy

    If your objective is to simply hide the dialog, you can use the trigger Show/Hide Dialog. There you can spicify which players you want to hide it for.

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    posted a message on [Data] Autocast not working 100%

    I made a trigger solution that could work. Because of a lack of pellets, I made it so when you walk over a lowered supply depot, it blows up.

    It consists of two triggers, first a trigger that runs when a unit comes in range of a supply depot:

    Pellet Pickup
        Local Variables
            Unit - Kill (Random Living unit from (Supply Depot  (Lowered) units in (Region((Position of (Triggering unit)), 1.0)) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most 1))

    I couldn't see an easier way to get the supply depot you walked over, but I didn't look that hard.

    Notice ther is no events. Since I can emagine you got a lot of pellets, it would be tedious to add an event for each pellet, so I made another trigger to do that.

    Add Pellets To Trigger
            Game - Map initialization
        Local Variables
            unit = No Unit <Unit>
            Unit Group - For each unit unit in (Supply Depot  (Lowered) units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) do (Actions)
                    General - Custom Script: TriggerAddEventUnitRange(gt_PelletPickup, null, lv_unit, 1.0, true);

    Hope it helps

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data]Creating a permenent beam

    What he is doing is that every 0 seconds, he execute Probe - Particle Beam (Damage) from one Sentry to the other. That seems extremely inefficient, so I would rather not use that solution.

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    posted a message on [Solved][Data]Creating a permenent beam

    I have had some trouble with creating a permenent beam between two units. What I have tried so far has lead to no result ingame.
    I want a beam that is activated by an ability, or a trigger (not by a weapon). It should be a one time cast, and it shouldn't go away untill one of the units is killed.
    I also want to be able to specify which attachment points the beam should go from and to.
    So far I have been trying to modify the void ray and sentry's attack beams into something which is activated by an ability, but as I said, no results ingame.

    So, if anyone know how to do this, or have some good ideas, help would be appriciated :)

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    posted a message on How to edit build/train time

    hmm. is this in connection to morphing or training/building?

    If it is morphing, you have an ability for that morph. Under that ability there is an info field, and under that you will find Info - Sections - Durations.
    Note: In starcraft, morphing is related to converting one unit into some other unit at runtime. Like how the siege tank goes into siege mode

    If you mean that you just want your Viking to be able to build the structures the probe can build, but faster, then you need to look at the ability where you that contains the data for the construction. In case of a probe, this ability is called "Probe - Build (Probe)". Under info -> the building you want to edit -> Info - Time, you can set the build time for that structure.
    Note: This will change it for the probe aswell, so if you want to use them both, you will need to dublicate the ability "Probe - Build (Probe)". And if you dublicate it, you will probally need to set some refferences to make sure that the construction animations are set up correctly (right click the ability "Probe - Build (Probe)" and look under Used By, to see what actors you need to modify.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Triggers][Solved] How do I increase hp/attack in a specific region every 10 seconds?

    What I would do is to make a behavior (Buff) that stacks, and make that behavior make the modifications you need. Then every 10 seconds, you add one of that behavior to the units inside the region

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    posted a message on how to make barraks make firebat

    I got it to work.. I added firebat to the Barracks - Train ability, added that ability and Queue (5) to the bunker, and added the button in the command card.
    I uploaded the map in case u want more specifics.

    Edit: seems I missread Barracks to bunker.. Oops :)
    I made it for barracks aswell

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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