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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Sorry about that crash - I got it fixed, and will get it uploaded.

    The include only skeleton is meant to have some empty lines.. I found myself adding them anyway

    To resolve your tab problem, I added an option to convert them into spaces.. look under edit

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    I uploaded a new version. Should have gotten most of the above, you might still be missing line breaks when copying though.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Auto completion after return should be fixed in 1.3.2.. Are you sure you got that one?

    Copying seems to work for me.. Where do you copy from?

    I'm pretty sure it inserts 4 spaces.. tried to do
    and it lines up (unlike here)

    Hmm. I don't like the idea of a automatically including stuff, since there is no such thing in the sc2editor(correct me if I'm wrong), so doing that would cause my program to accept code which will be rejected by the sc2editor.

    As for the last to things - I'll get those done

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Added a new version. It just contains some minor changes - implemented/fixed some of the suggestions/bugs you posted about above. Don't know what's up with that crash.. Did you just open up the program and load the default skeleton?

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Well, the xml file is just a static file which is loaded when the program starts up.. so you can't make the program dynamical highlight functions by altering that file. Like I said, I haven't found such features in the framework I'm using, so I would need to start rewriting it, which I would rather not do, sorry.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    Tried it out, no crash until now, the sorting works nicely now, just like the parameter tooltip. The autocompletion-in-background thing did not happen again until now.

    When you say "until now" dose that mean it crashed/showed the autocompletion in the background now?

    About the installer.. mm.. I'm just using the standard installer creation tool from visual studio, so I didn't actually write that myself. I was looking for a way to make the shortcuts optional, but it would seem that that is not possible with visual studio. I might look around for another program to generate msi files, but I don't really consider it a big issue.

    As for customizable syntax highliting.. If you open up the install directory of the program, you'll find a file called "Galaxy Style.syn". That's an xml file which specifies how the syntax highlighting should be done. I pretty much just copied an example document for c# highlighting, so it is a bit messy with a bit of unused gunk, but that's what you want to edit to change the highlighting.

    As for the rest of your suggestions, they don't seem too difficult to implement (apart from that dahm autocompletion list acting up :) )

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    A new version is up and awaiting approval.
    I implemented the tooltip thingy you talked about, and I think I fixed the bugs :)
    I wasn't able to recreate the crash, but I did change a bit so it hopefully won't occur again.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    A double semicolon is accepted by the galaxy editor, so it is not a syntax error.

    Yeah, I see that the auto completion list wasn't correctly sorted - I forgot to convert the text I check against to lowercase. It is sorted in the next version.

    About highlighting function.. It seems weird to me.. I usually program in eclipse(java) or visual studio(c#), and they don't highlight correctly typed functions.. I don't even think such a feature is included in the framework I use for the text editor, so it would require a lot of work rewriting it. It seems like too much work to implement.

    Sounds really weird that the autocomplete form is displayed behind the main form, since I set it to always be display as the topmost. Would be nice if you could recreate it, but multithreadding probably makes that a bit difficult.. I can try periodically reminding it to be on top.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Yeah, I display unreachable code as a warning, since it will compile and run but it isn't very nice to carry a bunch of unnecessary junk.

    As for the auto completion.. It's possible that one only remember a part of the function name, and not the beginning. That's why I did it that way. It still sorts the list so if there are something that matches what you wrote from the beginning, that will be on top, so I don't think I'll change that.
    For example, if you have something called aFoo, bFoo, fooA and fooB, and you type foo they will be listed as

    About the display of parameters as you type them, yeah.. I have it on my to do list, so I'll get it done at some point.. Right now I'm experimenting with making it possible to run and debug the code.

    What do you mean syntax highlight for functions?

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Allright, I added a new update. which implements the crappy solution :) Look in TriggerLibs/Patches.galaxy to add missing stuff. Also, please poke me if you find something missing, so I can update it for a future version.

    Sorry for the long wait - I haven't had that much time the last couple of days, and there was an annoying bug that needed sorting.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Well, the campaign files are not loaded unless you add the campaigns as depencies, so it should work without them. Even so, the 2 files from campaign don't contain a definition of AISetNukeGhost, so I guess it wouldn't help much.. I could make my own little library file which patches all the errors, but meh.. feels crap, and it would have to be updated as people complain about missing methods/fields.. I would rather have the right library files to begin with.

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Hmm. I am a bit lost - I took all the galaxy files from Starcraft II/Mods/Core.SC2Mod/Base.SC2Data / TriggerLibs, and then I overwrote what I could with files from Starcraft II/Mods/Liberty.SC2Mod/Base.SC2Data / TriggerLibs. I assume that is essientially what the editor is doing, but there are errors in the final script..

    For example, the method AIDefaultGetObjectType is defined in AI.galaxy in line 467, and used in RequirementsAI.galaxy, which is included from AI.galaxy in line 4. That means that the method should not be visible when parsing RequirementsAI.galaxy :S

    Also, AISetNukeGhost is called from TacticalAI line 340, but I haven't found a declaration anywhere.

    There are other errors, so I'm guessing that I'm using the wrong library files, or missing some files.. anyone know where I should be looking?

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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Seems that the reason for the missing constants might very well be that I only included the core trigger libs.. not the extra stuff from liberty.. There are some new stuff in there that I need to add to my editor, such as writing integers as 0x002 and static methods (if someone knows just what makes a static method special in galaxy, I would like to know). Also, how does the operator ! make sense for a point/order? (as in if(!myPoint) ...)

    Anyway - if you dont mind sending me your script so I can trace the error, that would be awsame.

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    posted a message on Weird Error

    Furthermore, look for a call to the function PlayerGetAlliance (Player x treats player y as z, in gui). Thats where the error is at

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom Galaxy Script Editor

    Allright, I added a new update - think I got all the bugs fixed.

    Except, when you say "Some constants are not included", could you be more specific?

    There is a bug that I am aware of though. The first time you type a character, control is passed to the autocomplete list. I can't seem to make it stop doing that, but it only happens first time, so you should be able to just click back into the text editor.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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