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    posted a message on How do you load next published map?

    This seems to be a popular question as of late. Alot of people seem to think this isn't possible while many are advocating otherwise. I for one HOPE it is possible, but I haven't be able to find a way to load maps online like the campaign either. I messed with several things including the 'Planet Panel' to no avail... Hopefully some UMS guru will be able to figure this out soon enough (possible or not)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Is it possible?

    I would also like to know this. I saw how they did it in the campaign and it worked well and would be nice to know if there is a similar function in the editor now.

    Also, I had read that this was possible a while back, but sadly that was a good while ago so there is a chance that it might have gotten cut. I have tried toying with the 'Planet Panel' in the triggers but haven't been able to get it to do anything like the 'Star Map' from the campaign.

    Would be great to see someone come up with something!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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