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    posted a message on Help: How to rescue units?

    @Buccura: Go

    I am having the same issues. However I simply want to make a Player "Rescueable".

    So For instance I have a Map where there are four players (a player at each corner of the map) and a Island in the middle with a Pre-built base and a few units, These units are the "Reward to the first player to gain the ability to fly there and "Rescue" the base and its units.

    But I am Struggling to figure out how to set this up in the triggers... I am also Very upset that there isnt a Pre-set "Property" like in the Original starcraft Editor.

    Why cant there just be a Object Property like that.

    Anyways if anyone has an idea of how we are suppose to do this, We would be Extremely thankful.

    Please someone make us a "How to Guild" to show us how this is accomplished. ty

    Here is what I have so far, and I know its not a solution in the extent that it wont switch the units from "Player 0" to "Triggering Player". But like I said it is a attempt.

    Take Atlantis
            Unit - Any Unit Enters Region 001
        Local Variables
            Player - Make player 0 and player (Triggering player) treat each other as Ally With Shared Vision, Control, And Spending
            Trigger - Turn (Current trigger) Off
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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