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    posted a message on Reasons for leaving SC2 mapping

    What is the point of this thread?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Looking for SotIS Commentators!

    People should refrain from posting their opinions when they're not asked for. It makes you look rude.

    On topic, I don't think you'll find many commentators here. Most of the community is rather quiet generally. You should try TeamLiquid, they even have a section for DotA games and I'm sure plenty of the frequenters there have played SotIS.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on random ads


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Canceling Ability
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    thanks man but i already fix this by using very simple trigger, it just clear this animation when my hero gets any order. Thats work perfectly.

    The proper way of doing this with data is "Unit Movement Update - Any - Any"

    "Animation Clear"

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on "Multiple PM" bug


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Revived!] Map Night

    Thank you for the feedback! Always appreciated.

    I plan to develop supportive and summoning roles further, as well as preparing the groundwork for melee based builds, something I am taking very slowly to avoid harming the ranged play. Healing is something I am undecided on. I'm not convinced that it would add enjoyment to the game, though I'm not immune to changing my mind.

    One method of healing I had in mind was elemental shields. These would be targettable on any unit, and absorb 250 (talentable) damage. They would have traits depending on their element, and cause the shielded unit to absorb the shield's element. So if I threw a fire shield on a unit, fire spells would heal it. To balance things out, the shield's opposite (ice) would bypass the shield entirely and deal bonus damage.

    I'm currently working on cleaning up the map's internal workings and reworking the whole spell creation system, as well as steadily developing supportive spells. With that said, the map is far from finished and I have a lot of things I want to streamline and add.

    For those wondering "WTF?", here's 2 replays if you are interested.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How to keep interest in you project

    Taking things in steps is crucial. Don't complete half a step then move on, because that "half step" will just rot and you'll be hesitant to return to it the longer it waits.

    Take frequent breaks. I don't just mean while using the editor, but after you've finished a "step", take a break for a day or two while your changes settle into your mind. This part is really important, if things aren't clear in your mind, it'll gradually become more and more messy to work on.

    Lastly, play other games. Don't be afraid of taking a week off to play some other game. It actually really helps.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    I don't think using Mafia is a good idea.

    By taking Mafia down and rehosting it under a different name, then a week later repeating the same process, you're going to irritate a lot of people. It'll probably sour both Mafia and MotW.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nibbits making sc2 custom campaign map contest

    I guess "buy stuff" means "access basic forum features".

    Also heh, "1000 gold" to do what adblock does for free.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Beta

    I want the extra edge.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [RPG] Void: Eternal Dusk

    The following is entirely my opinion on what you've written, so take it as far as you can throw it. I tend to be rather brutal with my feedback, so don't take it personally. I know I prefer harsh feedback on my projects. "Oh that's nice" doesn't help me improve at all. I've played WoW for 6 years so I have a fair idea of what I, as a gamer, want in my rpgs as well as viewing things with a minmaxer's eye.

    Firstly, the name. Void: Eternal Dusk sounds like the next Twilight chapter. It doesn't sound cool or edgy, it just sounds like you typed "dark" into a thesaurus and picked the first 3 words. Your map name is the first thing people see. They conjure images up from the name alone before deciding if they want to inspect further. What image does "Void: Eternal Dusk" conjure in your mind?

    The stats. 7 is too much. You can condense all 7 down into "Damage, haste, defence", throwing threat out of the window because that seems like a complete waste to make a stat just for tanks. May as well just be passive for being a tank and tied in with their damage. More stats doesn't create more fun, only more useless numbers you have to juggle before you get back to fireballing stuff. Also having stats which are basically only exist for 1-2 classes (threat, physical damage, magic damage etc) creates wrong choices. Wrong choices aren't fun. Offensive spellpower? Defensive spellpower? Wisdom? Intellect? 4 stats for 1 thing.

    The classes. I read that as "Tank, rogue, caster, caster, caster, caster". Personally I'd drop the idea of 7 classes and start with the holy trinity, warrior, archer/rogue, mage. Pure healers aren't fun. There's a reason why every recent MMO has created their healer classes with a light offensive element. May as well just drop the whole thing and let the dps offheal. Or preferably just drop the whole tank and healing thing, and have people take care of their own health. It's not fun when you die because "your healer wasn't awake". It feels much more purposeful when you died because YOU made a mistake.

    The project sounds very cool but it also sounds like you're trying to make an RPG from the 1990s. Stats aren't fun. Avoid creating traps for your players (olol check that mage's agi out), and focus on the parts where you blow shit up.

    Again, opinion, nothing personal, cool project overall.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Nibbits making sc2 custom campaign map contest

    A £40 game doesn't really make me want to spend dozens of hours creating a throwaway map. What's "nibbit gold"?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Is there a workaround for 'not' "deselecting your hero?" once you've casts

    Don't assume people are stupid, it just makes you look abrasive.

    It's a valid complaint, though it's solvable just by disabling selection which is just a single line of code. Maybe the creators didn't want this feature?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Recording Replays Button

    Bumping this. Should be brought to attention.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 1.4.0 patch notes

    The handle thing seems iffy to me. The concept of banlists is pathetic. I hope that they retain the inability to kick players somehow.

    Posted in: General Chat
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