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    posted a message on Anyone making a hunger games map yet?

    Okay so;

    Photon Cycles does not reference Tron

    Photon Cycles gameplay is not based on Tron lightbike gameplay

    Got it.

    Footnote: This isn't a stab at photon cycles. I honestly couldn't care less what it's based on.

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    posted a message on Anyone making a hunger games map yet?
    Quote from Deaod: Go

    Maybe some day youll actually address the point i was making (that copying gameplay and copying lore are two very different things and that Photon Cycles doesnt copy lore, since Photon Cycles doesnt need and have any).

    I did address your point. You're just changing your assertion every post to compensate.

    First it was "Photon Cycles doesn't reference Tron", which it clearly does.

    Then it turned into "Photon Cycles copies gameplay, not content.", .

    Now it's "that copying gameplay and copying lore are two very different things and that Photon Cycles doesnt copy lore, since Photon Cycles doesnt need and have any", which makes an unfalsifiable claim out of lack of information.

    I hope you don't think I'm taking this too seriously. I just get kicks out of watching morons defend their bullshit.

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    posted a message on Anyone making a hunger games map yet?
    Quote from Deaod: Go

    I can call you stupid as well. But that doesnt further an argument, it just derails it. So either tell me where my argument falls down or shut the hell up. This is just noise injected into a discussion.


    Quote from Deaod: Go

    Photon Cycles may be based on Tron, but it doesnt reference Tron


    This is a lightbike. It is unique to Tron.


    This is the photon cycles entry. It references lightbikes.

    Quote from Deaod: Go

    Photon Cycles may be based on Tron, but it doesnt reference Tron

    I think humanity's most hilarious feature is never admitting when one is wrong, even when 15 seconds of research proves otherwise.

    Footnote: This isn't a stab at photon cycles. I honestly couldn't care less what it's based on.

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    posted a message on Anyone making a hunger games map yet?
    Quote from Deaod: Go

    The first Tron movie came out 1982.

    Tron Legacy came out a few months before Photon Cycles.

    Quote from Deaod: Go

    Photon Cycles may be based on Tron, but it doesnt reference Tron

    Sometimes I wonder how people can type things like this and not cringe at their own stupidity.

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    posted a message on Anyone making a hunger games map yet?
    Quote from JademusSreg: Go

    It's difficult to take pride in work that attempts to capitalize on whatever happens to be trending, leveraging the identity of other material for one's own gain. Whether it's some console game pushed through the bowels of a publisher to coincide with a movie's opening week, or a terribad DBZ map, IP wanking isn't good for anyone, neither the developers, nor the players.

    Firstly, I have a lot respect for you as a mapmaker.

    Secondly, as mentioned above, Tron + Photon Cycles.

    Thirdly, you recently joined the World of Starcraft project, which is the biggest IP masturbation I've ever witnessed, to the point where the name was even forcibly changed by the IP owners.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    Scientists of the past were Christians
    Yes, they were. I wonder why...

    Science can never explain everything
    This is a real gem. I was just about how god is always located at the limits of human knowledge like a celestial carrot on a stick.

    Inserting god into gaps in human knowledge is a complete non-answer.

    It literally answers nothing.

    There is absolutely zero difference between "I don't know" and "God did it". None.
    Knowledge gained: 0.

    Science doesn't have all the answers. Science probably never will. If you want to fill in the blanks with god then so be it, but know that god is not an answer; god only delays the question.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    You missed the point. Allow me to highlight the only thing that matters on it;

    The Dark Ages.

    Of Christianity's 2000 year (or 7.3bil years*) lifespan, half of that were spent in a period of scientific retardation as a direct result of religious superstition.

    • Edit: Converted real time into TaintedWisp's imaginary time compression calender for completeness.
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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Actually, religion never really cockblocked science and the catholic church laid, believe it or not, the foundations for the modern day university. Christianity probably did far more for science than it did to hold it back, tbh.



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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    My point exactly... Now all I would have to do is ask one question. What calendar where they using. Without this vital piece of information it is Impossible to tell how anything, how long was one day? Was it from Light to Light, or was it a 24 hr calendar or maybe a biblical calander lost throughout the ages.

    I feel like I'm taking part in an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh where all the cards are marked "bullshit" or "excuse".

    I respect religion for it's artistic and cultural contributions.

    I disrespect religion for cockblocking science and desperately forcing god into every gap in human knowledge.

    If you have evidence for this fictional spacetime alteration, then source it. Until that point, I'll just assume you're part of my third statement

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    So theres no point in even arguing that, and SCIENTIST came up with the Christians believe 10k years crap.

    Do you actually know anything?


    Genesis goes on to list many of Adam's descendants, in many cases giving the ages at which they had children and died. If these events and ages are interpreted literally throughout and the genealogies are considered closed, it is possible to build up a chronology in which many of the events of the Old Testament are dated to an estimated number of years after creation.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from DarkRevenantX: Go

    You know, some churches actually embrace science because they believe that anything they discover through experimentation must be part of god's intended truth.

    God might exist, but evolution doesn't need her.
    God might exist, but the creation of the universe doesn't need her these days either.

    You're going to run out of gaps someday.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)

    We call that "God of the gaps".

    It's the process of forcing god into ever-decreasing gaps in our knowledge when it comes to how and why we are here.

    This leads on to "Well, you can't prove god doesn't exist."

    We have a word for that too; "Flying teapot theory". I'll let you guess what that entails.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    And heres something for you...

    I believe The earth was made in 10k years... you know why? it says in the bible that 1 earth day - 1000 years in heaven

    10000 years = 3650000 days x 1000 = 3.65 Billion EARTH Years OR 10000 Heaven years.. Huh looky there.

    Radiometric dating puts Earth at 4.54 billion years old. It's fine if you don't believe in radiometric dating, but if that's the case, then don't try to use it to "prove the bible".

    If you do believe in radiometric dating, then you're off by a factor of 0.25;

    Equivalent to thinking a year lasts 9 months.

    Funny that.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Creation25: Go

    I'd argue that "Eiviyn" and "ignorant" are synonymous.


    Quote from DarkRevenantX: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go

    There are many sects of Christianity and you are showing yourself to be a moron for thinking that all Christians are alike. The majority of Christians believe in evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old; it's just the crazy and very vocal minority that believes otherwise. Hell, I know some very devout Catholics who teach evolution.

    Evolution and religion are completely incompatible. You can't believe both and not lie to yourself on some level.

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    posted a message on Did anyone else notice this before? (Eula)
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    First Christian Lobby groups give all Christians a bad name. Dont hate all Christians because of a few morons.

    To be Christian is to believe that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, that dinosaurs co-existed with humanity, that fossils were placed by the devil and that evolution is a lie.

    I'd argue that "Christian" and "moron" are synonymous.

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