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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Atheism requires abiogenesis for life to exist. The basis of my argument is that as long as there's no reason to subscribe to abiogenesis, there's no reason to subscribe to atheism.

    Mind, I'm arguing for the logic of theism, not Christianity. My reasoning for being a Christian is a different matter entirely.

    No, atheism requires nothing. Atheism is not an alternate view of how life came to be. Atheism is the rejection of religious claims.

    Early Christians were called atheists because they rejected pagan gods. Are you suggesting early Christians "believed" in abiogenesis too?

    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    The "God hypothesis" is squarely reserved for the beginning of all things, the "question to end all questions." Of course it's useless for everything else because you wouldn't get anything accomplished.

    It only delays the question of "What made the universe?" to "What made the creator of the universe?"

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Eiviyn. What created God?..Come now...

    I love how much this question hurts you. You know you have no answer.

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Ive proved everything. Thanks.

    You state this every 3rd post, but have yet to provide proof of Christianity's claims.

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    You are not part of some super intelligent sect of humanity called "atheism"..Sigh. On the contrary..
    Science cant condemn you of your Sins, but your creator can.
    Be receptive of the truth and repent of your folly!, and acknowledge the Creator of heaven and earth.

    Sure. I'll repent. But to who? Protestantism? Catholicism? Islam? Buddhism? Sikhism? Jainism? Zoroastrianism? Seriously, you're one amoung dozens of religions.

    How do you know that Allah isn't waiting for you after you die?

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    I will say again, The Bible is the word of God. Mankind has forgotten. Science proves the Bible. History does the same. Every other religion is false and an invention of Satan. Satan blinds the world through ignorance and arrogance. We can run through all these aspects as Ive been doing. Not for my sake, but for your own sake. Consider your life and soul even, and the cost of arrogance/foolishness that brings to it. What advantage is that to you?

    Let's suppose there's a god. Your god. He gave us the ability to reason. The most reasonable amoung us, the people who's job it is to reason, reject your god with astounding ferocity (93% of elite scientsts reject your god).

    So, gives us the ability to reason, but gives no reason to believe in him.

    With the above in mind, what exactly makes you think you're on the right side?

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Atheism isn't nothing. It answers the absence of abiogenesis with the speculation that "at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed." It smacks of rejecting God at all costs, that any theory no matter how baseless is preferable to God. This is why it has a name, because it has all the same warts as any other school of thought devised by imperfect man. They're just located in the private areas.

    Nonsense. Atheism, evolution and abiogenesis are not linked at all.

    Also to think that I reject your god is arrogant. It's your claims that I reject.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    I demand to see it because without spontaneous generation, God must exist.

    And then you must simply ask "Who spontaneously generated God?"

    Secondly, "I don't know how it happened therefore God" has been wrong throughout history from everything from rain to the Earth's formation.

    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    To put it another way, the nature of life itself supplants atheism's self-appointed designation as "the most logical position." It's not stupidity in motion, you're just covering your metaphorical ears and going LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA

    Atheism is nothing. I listen to Christianity's claims, and go "prove it". They can't, so I don't believe them.

    For some reason this has a name.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @Hookah604: Go

    So? Perhaps the Do, Or did at one time. A horse with a horn in its skull.. I mean, Its defiantly possible that one lived at one time.

    and if Evolution Was correct, then Unicorns would defiantly exist anyways, due to "Mother Nature" Testing what works and doesnt work for battle of the fittest, so a failed species of Unicorns could happen... So suck that logic.

    Homeschool evolution.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    It's more about answering a disingenuous question in kind.

    But I'm not dodging anything. I'm answering your question, repeatedly. Until we ascertain an exception to the "golden rule," our current understanding of life necessitates original life, everywhere, always. I'm invoking the collective public understanding of biology, stop accusing me of "making shit up."

    I want to pull you up on this, because this is downright stupidity in motion.

    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    Until we observe an instance of spontaneous generation, the existence of life necessitates a living creator.


    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    How many creators have you observed recently?


    You demand to see "spontaneous generation of life" before you'll believe it. However you're quite happy believing in a god without seeing it.

    You, sir, are a hypocrite.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    No. I'm saying when you've got zillions of known lifeforms that were birthed from progenitors vs. zero known life forms that were created without progenitors, it's a matter of basic arithmetic which is the more logical position.

    You realise that the fact every known life-form can be traced via it's progenitors CONFLICTS with the bible's view of literal creation of all species, right?

    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    I can't personally verify the numbers but on the human side I'm told 7+ billion. Non-human creators (approximately 1.7 million different species) are almost certainly in the trillions.

    I presume your choice to dodge the question via semantics means that you've seen 0. With that in mind, don't bother using "I've never seen abiogenesis, so it can't happen" when you've not seen the alternative happen either. "I don't know" is a perfectly respectable stance to take. Making shit up, less so.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from TheZizz: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Until we observe an instance of spontaneous generation, the existence of life necessitates a living creator.

    So essentially what you're saying is "Until I see it, I get to make shit up"?

    Also, how many creators have you observed recently?

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    Anti-blasphemy doesn't even work on principle. Most religions offend eachother by their very nature. Islam rejects the holy trinity and it's a point of contention between the two religions, for example. As is "God does not have children".

    Secondly, muslims mock jews and depict them in various... "ways" almost constantly.

    It won't pass. It doesn't even work. And even if it did, it'll just provoke people to break it even more often, en masse.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Atheists arguments against that? Nothing. They have no proof, nothing testable or solid, nothing. Neither will they ever find proof against an intelligent creator, as some other alternative or anything because all theories eventually fall back as being nonsensical, untestable, and unfalsifiable/illogical claims.

    Do you have any proof that tooth fairies don't exist?

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Multiverse, Branes, Parallel universes, Unguided Human Macro evolution = faith based systems. Not science at all. Lets make a sticker of that and put it on our heads, the mirror will remind us how to `shut up pesky` atheists that try and use science as some misplaced justification.
    When will I cover the evolution topic, soon enough.

    Evolution is guided by natural selection. There's no such thing as "unguided evolution".

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    Same faith in Macro Human evolution theory(Broken as hell and complete lies). ... Zero evidence.

    Sigh. You already cowered away when I demonstrated why your view of "macro evolution" is wrong.

    Your words are as stupid as if someone walked up to you and said "Christianity is wrong because Jesus never walked on the moon!". You don't even know what evolution is.

    Do you just keep repeating the same debunked points in hope that shear repetition will win you the day?

    Even the pope accepts evolution as fact.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from GhostNova91: Go

    I gotta be honest I'm very disappointed in the moderators here. Why is this thread still going and why has there only been one warning that I've seen. Does anybody remember what this thread was about?

    "Do you consider yourself part of organized religion?".

    Come on mods shut it down before the attacks get out of hand. The rest of us are tired of seeing a hate thread slapped to the front page every 5 minutes. We are all mappers and this is just separating us.

    Nobody is forcing you to read this thread.

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?
    Quote from GnaReffotsirk: Go

    Not so. Becoming human is the most efficient way to describe Himself. Miracles to display power and authority over things (Jesus said something about this through saying something like, take note that these miracles have been done so you will believe. Or something in those lines). His character and person to display God's character and person. His ministry to describe his intentions. etc. Most importantly his Resurrection to display rightful position and ultimate authority over what binds everything.

    Why has the flow of miracles come to a halt as soon as video and audio recording devices were invented?

    For centuries, everything from entire graveyards rising from the dead, to talking bushes, and flooding the entire planet have happened. However, as soon as we have methods to prove these miracles took place, they no longer occur. Ever. At all. Not even once.


    Quote from GnaReffotsirk: Go

    Also, take note that the idea, "God is the Universe; The Universe is God" is as old as paganism is. I think Gnosticism took this path. Please be careful and check that you are not following pagan paths. There are reasons why God chose simple people to deliver a simple truth.

    Firstly that's pantheism, not paganism. Secondly I'm not saying "God is the universe".

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    posted a message on Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion?

    Here are two points of contention;

    The Christian God gave no verifiable proof of his existence, but gave us a brain to reason with.

    The majority (2/3rds) of the planet do not believe in Christianity.

    Now, I'm curious. Either;

    1) Your God deliberately chooses an inefficient path to reveal himself in a manner that prefers the unreasonable.


    2) People claiming revelation are lying.

    What are your thoughts?

    To anyone stating the Christian God is the same as the Islamic God etc, refer to John 14:6.

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