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    posted a message on Delay Before Attack

    Is there a way to prevent a unit from attacking for x seconds after spawn? For example:

    Unit spawns 5 seconds pass Unit can now attack as normal

    I have tried messing with the random delay fields, but they didn't do much. :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Contest] Arena Terrain Design

    There are some missing details that are relevant. You haven't decided on the number of players, so what should we be designing for? Things like size and shape are important depending on the number of players in the game. Heroes will be upgraded through some sort of shop system, but there's no indication of how this will work and if we will need to account for 'buy' areas. And what about spawns: do all players spawn on one side of the map? Different areas? Do they need to be spaced out? Should we be accounting for special features of the map/game? I find it particularly difficult to develop without context and without input from the team.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Attacking Allied Units

    @Writhes: Go

    Oh, yeah. It could easily be done through triggers. I'm just avoiding using triggers where the data editor can accomplish the same thing (if not a bit better!). Keeps things neat.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attacking Allied Units
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    You order the unit to attack that unit.... and it should attack it

    Sorry if you misunderstood. I need them to auto-attack whatever is in range.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attacking Allied Units

    Is there a way to set a unit to attack an allied unit, or the player's own unit? One solution I have is to change the owner to neutral hostile, but this will lead to problems down the line. I just want to unit to attack anything that gets in range.

    Additionally, is there a way to set a delay before it can start to attack after creation? For example, when the unit has spawned it must wait x seconds before it can begin attacking.

    Appreciate the help.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mapmaking Trio:Mapmaking team of three

    I'm a terrainer, trigger editor, and am currently getting acquainted with the data editor. I'm sending out a few feelers to see if I can get in on some projects.

    Unfortunately I reformatted and moved recently, so I lost any old maps I was working on. But I did manage to salvage this from the depths of the internet.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Wired for Blood Recruiting!

    I can fill the position of terrainer if it's still open.

    "Unfortunately I reformatted and moved recently, so I lost any old maps I was working on. But I did manage to salvage this from the depths of the internet.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Progammer is hiring !!!

    I can do your terraining. :)

    "Unfortunately I reformatted and moved recently, so I lost any old maps I was working on. But I did manage to salvage this from the depths of the internet.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on More data editor problems!
    Quote from BorgDragon: Go

    @Farmrush: Go

    In your ability - arc field, it's default 0, or should be... make that 360.

    scroll down to stats - flags and make sure Allow Movement, No Deceleration and Transient are checked. I just tried this out with queen transfusion and I was able to transfure while patrolling out of attack range but within cast range WITHOUT interrupting / overriding the patrol order.

    Wahaha, you are my hero.

    EDIT: I had a bunch of stuff I was having trouble with, but I actually solved most of it. The only problem I'm not really sure how to approach is this one:

    I want the mine to 'arm' itself, and then explode when anything is with x range of it (ally, or enemy). I currently have the mine scroll through colours (green, yellow, red). I'd like it to be actived/armed only after it has reached red (the last timer expires).


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on More data editor problems!

    EDIT: Instead of making a new post I'll just reuse this one.

    I'm making an ability. It creates a mine under the unit that uses it. I would like the unit to continue to move even if I use the ability. I have set the 'allow movement' flag on (I'm not sure this does what I think). There are no casting times. However, when I set the unit to move across the map and then hit the ability, the unit will stop moving. This isn't what I want!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Actors (Basic)

    I'm fiddling with the editor and trying to understand the hierarchy involved. I can't look at videos at the moment, but intend to watch some tutorials later. I'm currently trying to link my actor to my unit, which should be fairly simple. But my problem is that whenever I try to do this, it changes all the values in my actor (model, etc). Is there a way to change which unit it points to, but retain all the data in the fields? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simple Question (I hope)
    Quote from dddarrenccc: Go

    @Farmrush: Go

    Mind telling us your comp specs? I never lag in the data editor....

    Phenom II X3 720 2.8GHz O.C. to 3.2GHz

    4GB DDR2-800 RAM

    ATI 5770HD 1GB GPU

    I can't think of anything else that would be relevant. It's not super high-end, but it's fairly capable.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simple Question (I hope)

    I'm in the list view... lol :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simple Question (I hope)

    Sorry, I should clarify. In the data editor, it lags really badly. I am on high-end hardware.

    For example, if I try to change any of the data values it lags and takes a few seconds. If I switch to the 'actors' panel, it takes about 6-8 seconds before it switches. This all adds up and it really, really slows the process of making units down. In the Warcraft III editor it did the same until you turned off some brush list setting.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simple Question (I hope)
    Quote from BorgDragon: Go

    @Farmrush: Go

    when you create a new map, it's default to load only the melee dependencies. Not to worry, you can add dependencies after your map has been made saved!

    Click on File, find Dependencies, click on that, then click on Add Standard, put a check mark next to Liberty (Campaign) and Liberty Story (Campaign), then click OK. Now you have campaign units/data in your editor/map!

    Thank's so much, buddy!

    EDIT: On another note, I notice the data editor is very laggy akin to Warcraft III's map editor when brush list was enabled. Are there any settings I should turn off which could maybe improve the speed of the editor?

    Posted in: Data
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