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    posted a message on Probes vs Templars ( Sheep Tag )

    Map is now live on Europe Battle.Net.

    I held off a bit as i decided to redo some things over the week.

    I fixed some bugs, re-did some of the terrain as i personally ha some issues. And modified the initial setup from Host to a vote system. Hope you guys like the map.

    Also for initial release ive set the map to default to 6 vs 3 so that games can be more easily played. I believe you can create games, change the mode ( 8 vs 4, 6 vs 3 , 4 vs 2, 2 vs 1) etc and then make public (someone tell me if im wrong) to a lower or higher size of playerrs should you wish.

    It should be noted that the map has had very limited play testing! And i believe that it could be unbalanced however ive tried my best with what i had.

    Any comments bugs suggestions etc to [email protected]

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Minimap Boss Icon

    @b0ne123: Go

    Trigger: ( Create ping with point / facing angle )

    Ping - Create a ping for [ ] at [position] facing [ ] using model [Ping Boss] and colour [ ], lasting [ ] seconds.

    Ping - set (last created ping) tooltip to [ ]

    Set variable probly a good idea to.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [DATA] How do I add a grafic to a unit that has a behavior

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    This is correct. Infact this is the actor that all 3 units; marauder, tauren and the marine itself uses. Each unit however has different sound actors for the sound effects for this behaviour;

    So you would use the behaviour event to create the actor. Then use another event ActorCreation to choose what happens. In Stimpack it uses animation BSD so it does the birth anim stand and then death) You would need to modify the animation settings to just Birth and Stand and then the event ActorDestruction would play the death effect.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [DATA] How do I add a grafic to a unit that has a behavior

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Thats what i meant (but if you plan on using the model i assume youve alrdy got an actor for it) For more information check; StimpackStartImpact actor

    Model actors do not have ID as you said previously. Instead the actor knows what to do from events. Eg: Effect, Behaviour etc)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [DATA] How do I add a grafic to a unit that has a behavior

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    You said you want to apply a "model" to an unit when it gets a behaviour. I assume this model already has an actor as most do. You would simply select this actor and add this event in. The actor event is just that, it responds to events - so it know to check for this event. So when the behaviour is on - you tell the model to create and when off you tell it to disable.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [DATA] How do I add a grafic to a unit that has a behavior

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Check the events of the actor model you want to attach.

    Right click > Add Event.

    MSg Type: Behaviour Source name: (name of your behaviour) sub name: on ¬ Create()

    Add Event:

    MSg Type: Behaviour Source name: (name of your behaviour) sub name: off Destroy ()

    Also be sure to check the models "host site operations" where you can choose where it attaches: eg: SOpAttachOrigin" (would be the base/origin of the unit)

    Also you could add an event: ActorCreation and then choose wot animation to display etc, simularly you can do the same for ActorDestruction

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst

    Also a suggestion from me is to have the Units flagged as heros so that there is the hero panel - and when you die it tells you you will revive in x and have the camera pan. first time i died i thought it was over for quite a while :P untill i found my unit in the middle of a lil army.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst


    you need to go to youtube to see it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst


    Hmm, im not sure. We had it come up like 6-7 times, and its most definatly when a hero dies (ofc) Perhaps its the drones or somert?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] Catalyst


    Been playing 2v2 with my friends.

    Nice fun map however weve maxxed everything out and got way to much minerals :D hint hint.

    Jut wanted to post that we recieved some trigger error. are they stored anywhere so i can tell you what they were.
    - most likely leaderboard related. but they leave the screen to fast to be seen.

    Infact it is:

    Parameter out of bounds in
    'playergrouphasplayer' [value: 16;
    min:0,  max: 15]

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Probes vs Templars ( Sheep Tag )

    Like Sheep tag in Warcraft 3, Probetag is essentially a port in terms of gameplay.

    Probes vs Templars [probeTag]

    2 Game Modes: Classic Role Change.
    Teams: can be Randomized or setup as selected in the lobby.
    Setup: Voted by players at game start
    Players Supported: 6 vs 3 (And anything such in between)
    Player Stats: Stats are saved for display purpose only including: Wins/Losses/Ties (EXP which is based on the outcome of playing and how helpful/well players perform.

    Map Description
    For anyone who doesnt know, the game is simple. There are Two teams; Probes and Templars. The probes have to flee and build up a defence to keep the taurens as far away from the probe as possible, because if the templar reaches the probe - its life is ended and the player is stuck untill he or she is rescued by one of their fellow team mates. The Templars have to capture all of the probes before the time limit runs out, because when it does the Probe Mothership will land and surely erradicate all of the intruders!

    Probes have a variety of defences they can build and also have access to an upgrade center where they can learn new structures or upgrade options on their current ones. Templars have access to a variety of abilities which are instrumental for capturing the probes, they also have access to a shop which sells a variety of items which also massively assist them.

    Team Modes
    Random - The game automatically randomizes the teams based on the amount of players active.

    Selected - The game can detect which team players chose what team in the lobby via checks, and then automatically places team members in there designated teams.

    Game Mode

    Classic - Probes that get captured are collected in the pen where they must await rescue from their team mates.

    Role Change - Probes that get captured become depleted and stuck where they were killed where they await rescure from their team mates, each time using up a life. When they loose their final life the probe player takes on the role of an additional templar, where he or she must help in the pursuit of the probes.

    The map has a has a leaderboard and Help menu (for those who need help). There are onscreen messages througout the game with important information. Also probe status is displayed in a straight forward manner on the left also.


    Map made by: Seraph
    Based on Sheep Tag for TFT
    Support/Testers: Dall, MrFlibble, gGor
    Creation Help : http://www.sc2mapster.com (community)
    - dest1nyCP, Matchck, OneTwoSC, Soulwhip (and specifically)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Why the f*ck do we let them do this?

    Blizzard will and can fix this and they will do it in there own time.

    For instance; World of Warcraft dungeon Finder/LFG system.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Player leaves help

    i used less than 3 because it is a loop that basically checks if the variable is less than 3 itll rerun and check again untill 3 ppl are ready.  The trigger i use up there is just for all players. so it checks every 60 seconds if players have left and does the actions. Also on its first run itll set the variable to true so that whn it runs for the next time it wont do actions for said left players.

    You could do it for each player if you wish. and would just check player1=has left and pleft[1] = false and then do these actions. Turn this trigger off and set pleft[1] = true.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Player leaves help

    Melee Initialization
        Local Variables
            3/4 = 0 <Integer>
            PlayerReady = false <Boolean[4]>
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    3/4 < 3
                    Variable - Set 3/4 = 0
                    General - Pick each integer from 1 to 4, and do (Actions)
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    PlayerReady[(Picked integer)] == true
                                    Variable - Modify 3/4: + 1
                                    Do Nothing
                    Trigger - Run (Current trigger)  (Check Conditions, Wait until it finishes)
                    Do Whatever were doing

    In my map i do a check every 60 secs for inactives players:

            Timer - Every 60.0 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            pcounter = 0 <Integer[12]>
            (Number of players in (Active Players)) != p#Active
            gVictoryDefeat == false
            Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Status of player (Picked player)) == Left The Game
                            pLeftGame[(Picked player)] == false
                            Variable - Set pLeftGame[(Picked player)] = true
                            General - Switch (Actions) depending on ((Picked player) is in pg##########)
                                    General - If (true)
                                            ------- Player Is #####
                                            Player Group - Remove player (Picked player) from pg###
                                            Player Group - Add player (Picked player) to pg###AI
                                            Variable - Modify p#Active: - 1
                                            Player Group - Pick each player in pg##### and do (Actions)
                                                    Variable - Modify pcounter[(Picked player)]: + 1
                                            Variable - Set p#T### = pcounter[(Picked player)]
                                            General - Wait 0.5 Real Time seconds
                                            Dialog - Destroy dMainWindow
                                            Trigger - Run Leaderboard  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                                            Trigger - Run v#####  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                                            Trigger - Turn g####AI On
                                    ------- Player Is #####
                                    Player Group - Remove player (Picked player) from pg#####
                                    Player Group - Remove player (Picked player) from pg############
                                    Player Group - Remove player (Picked player) from pg############
                                    Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked player) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                                            Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game
                                    Variable - Modify p#Active: - 1
                                    Player Group - Pick each player in pg### and do (Actions)
                                            Variable - Modify pcounter[(Picked player)]: + 1
                                    Variable - Set p#P##### = pcounter[(Picked player)]
                                    General - Wait 0.5 Real Time seconds
                                    Dialog - Destroy dMainWindow
                                    Trigger - Run Leaderboard  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                                    Trigger - Run vT###  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)

    Where you spawn the units you could simply do a

    Pick each interger 1 to 4 and do

                            pLeftGame[(Picked player)] == false
    spawn units
    do nothing

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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