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    posted a message on White Square below structures

    Thank you man. Thats perfect.

    You guys here are really awesome at lending a hand.

    Thanks again.

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    Ahh now i see. i couldnt find the option "any unit on the map". thats why i was still needing a unit group i guess. this is awesome. Thank you very much

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on White Square below structures

    If i enable the "placement Grid" (the red and green squares that shows where i can put buildings) and try to put down a building, i see a white square shape below the unit/structure im trying to place. If i place the structure close to the edge of a slope, the white square generates terrain below it and ruins the side of the slope.

    Is this white square the "splat" and how the hell do i remove the bugger so i can place towers close to my slope without them bulging out all over the place =).

    If i rotate the units faceing in the data editor this square follows round.

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    I think my problem is that i need to setup a unit group first maybe ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    Ah damn, i wish it was me =) Hope it's good.

    Im looking forward to that then. Thx again.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    Hmm i cant seem to get this set up. Can you be bothered to specify it a bit further?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    Thx a ton mate.

    What if i have 3 creep players, how would i make it happen only if all 3 have 0 left. Make the condition and add "and" next creep player "and" creep next player?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on TD-Wave Ending / Start next

    A quick question here.

    As it is now my spawner advances a wave counter, (X) numbers of unit type spawns at different points, then it waits 45 secs before re running the trigger.

    What i would like to do is

    Mod Current wave +1 Repeat (actions) wave count[current wave] times Create unit Order unit to move

    Then instead of waiting 45 secs, i would like to listen for when all the units are dead. Then give the players a end of round reward and start the next wave.

    Can anyone help me out with this ? Sorry if its already on the forums, but i cant seem to find it. A link will be fine if i am guilty of such crimes =P

    Posted in: Triggers
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