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    posted a message on [solved]Cutout mapping in 3ds max for sc2 material?

    Thank you very much! This did it perfectly. I kept trying different things, but I don't think I'd have ever figured this out considering my knowledge of 3Ds max.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [solved]Cutout mapping in 3ds max for sc2 material?

    Is there a way to do cutout mapping or create that with sc2 material? I'm playing around with the model in 3ds max and the wings on the model have a black background. After doing some research, it appears cutout mapping is what I'm needing, but their isn't a button for this under the sc2 material.

    I tried to use architectural and then assigning sc2 bitmap under that cutout, but when I transfer that to sc2 editor, the wings don't show at all. Any idea of what I can do?

    thanks for the help.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on m3 import error unknown property

    Well, I started with this guide http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/31795-tutorial-wow-models-into-sc2-with-team-colors/ Oh, just realized that this is your guide Daara87. lol. My original intent with this guide was to import char models, but I didn't get to try that yet with the older wmv version that still allows m3 export.

    So I'm using the scripts that were listed in there. The link says it's Nintoxicated’s scripts. I went with this guide first because it was the first guide I found, however I discovered I couldn't export to .m3 in the newest wmv and the previous version kept crashing. So I had to go back two versions of wmv and finally got the export to work there.

    I did take a look at your .m2 guide TaylorMouse, after I found out I couldn't get the m3 to export, but I ran into some other trouble, but I do see in your video link that you've got a link to the 1.6 version of the scripts and I was using the 2.2 version that was linked in the other guide.

    I'm trying to export the Tyrael pet model. I did finally, using your guide, get the model put in and textured kind of right. Except the wings I know aren't right (they show the wings, but on a black background (or white background), so I'm sure they must be textured differently). Ok, so I tried to apply the .png version of the wings. It still shows a black background, but I wasn't able to export it. It gives an error. So I used photoshop to convert the png into dds and was able to apply that and export to sc2, but the wings still look like they are on a black background. So any help in this would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Also, the model is really small so in sc2 I set it to 500, I'm not sure if this can be adjusted in 3d max before exporting.

    I also get an error when I start 3ds max that says "Cannot assign to read-only variable: SC2Ribbon". This started after I setup the script

    I am still in the process of learning, but I'm not very familiar with graphics and 3d modelling.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on m3 import error unknown property

    I'm using 3ds max 2011 with the m3 import script and blizzard art tools installed. I used the model viewer that was designed for cata and was following one of the guides for exporting models into m3 format to import into 3d max. I switched to this model viewer as it was suggested as being the last one to export m3 format.

    However, when I try to use the m3 import, it does say it can't find the textures (which was mentioned as ok in the guide), but then it fails with the error Import Failed Unknown property: "position" in undefined

    Any idea of how to fix this or what might be the problem?

    Thanks for any help.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Missile that fires other missiles?

    I had to double check on the point defense drone, but it's close, but not exactly what I'm looking for.

    Example Say you have a line of zerglings. You have a tower shoot from the back of the line a missile to the zergling at the front of the line. As the missile passes over all the other zerglings, it shoots lasers or missiles at those zerglings. Once it reaches the first zergling, it explodes.

    I've got a tower setup that shoots the main missile. This missile has a modified photon cannon mover on it so that it's a bit slower. As units pass by the tower, it fires at the first unit, but to reach the first unit, it passes over usually at least one other unit, so it should be shooting lasers at the unit it passes over onto its way to the target.

    I tried using the drone as a base and duplicating it, then changing so it can fire when it moves, but this didn't seem to help. It still just acts like a normal missile and flies to it's target to blow up without using it's own weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile that fires other missiles?

    I guess I'm curious if this is actually possible or not? I've been trying to look for an example of something similar in the game, but couldn't think of one.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile that fires other missiles?

    Yes, I tried building another tower (which shoots fine when used as a tower) and then modifying the needed properties before using it as an ammo. (it doesn't fire its weapon while flying towards its target).

    I tried attaching a weapon to a unit that was created by duplicating a missile.

    I just tried using the interceptor and checking it's weapon properties. I figured this would be similar to what I needed.

    It's almost as if when used as ammo, it doesn't know it has a weapon attached also.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile that fires other missiles?

    I'm still a bit new to the editor, but after tinkering around, haven't figured this out yet. I can make a tower that shoots a missile (easy enough), but what I want is the missile to head towards it's target. If it reaches the target, it blows up like normal. However, with a slower mover, it's moving through the air and what I want it to do is shoot missiles at other targets on the way to it's main target.

    So basically, cannon shoots missile at target. Missile travels towards target and passes over other units. Missile shoots at the targets it passes over and then blows up once it reaches it's target.

    I tried adding weapons to the unit and making sure the weapon could be fired while moving, but this doesn't seem to work the same way. Poking around, it seems I need to set up an ability on the missile to shoot, but not sure if that is the right way to go.

    Thanks for the help.

    Posted in: Data
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