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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Create SCII Light using the panel to the right, not the menu.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Animation] Reaver Model

    The walk animation is to fast and to short :/ I'll have another attempt at it :)

    but it's nice to see it, thanks for the credit :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Animation] Reaver Model

    hehe just go to emission -> disable USE COLOR and you're good to go :) ro clear the entire emissive layer completely yeah, it looks crappy, I admit it :P

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Animation] Reaver Model

    There you go :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4wh3wgk2hcq9te0/Reaver.zip Sorry it took me so long, didn't have time before :/

    Animated stand (LOL), attack and walk cycle. Modified model and a rig a bit but I think it's not even visible but it made my work a bit easier. I made a bit of advert here ;) Added a bit of goldish glow around and an animated light when attacking - all with the latest features in the 2.1 version of M3 plugins. Get your own copy TODAY! :P

    HF <3

    Oh and the .zip file includes .max file (2011 format) so you can play around with it if you want.

    P.S. Can you let me know when it's used? And how it looks in game? Didn't do any unit with it but it's tested in the editor's previewer.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Showcase]Ghostnova's models
    Quote from michaelknives: Go

    @GhostNova91: Go

    To be honest I would wait for HOTS to develop a campaign because there will be tons of new assets

    But it's not only about reusing provided assets, is it? :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Blender] How to create an animation (.m3a) for an existing model

    @SimplyCool988: Go

    Hmmm, strange. I tested it out for println and it was working :/

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Showcase]Ghostnova's models

    @GhostNova91: Go

    Check out the new version of the M3 plugins, light and volume materials support has been added. Might find it's place in the portraits :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    First particles, then ribbons, later maybe physics :)

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on What not to do to celebrate July 4th

    @Mozared: Go

    WIN! :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Ok so I just uploaded new M3 plugins, ver. 2.1. Will be available after a moderator accepts it.

    Few words about this update:

    1. Lights
    If you open up Create-> Lights-> Standard panel you'll see new type of light - SCII Light. This is a 3dsmax light stripped of everything that the StarCraft II Light is not using, available options are translated so what you see in max will pop-up in the StarCraft Editor. If after importing into 3dsmax you just see a black model, don't worry, just switch the display mode to Illuminate with default lights.

    If you create a new light, remember to link it to a bone, otherwise it will not be recognized.

    2. Volume Material
    With this update you can import/export models which have volume materials. Portraits like Brood Lord or Hydralisk have this box around then which holds the volume material and is a mark for the boundaries of such effect. The density parameter is animatable.

    To set a color of volume effect all you have to do is to add a StarCraft II Layer and edit it's color property. Which lead us to...

    3. Improvements in layer system
    Now, sc2bitmap has been renamed with StarCraft II layer since it's more accurate way to talk about it. Layers in StarCraft II don't hold only bitmaps. In fact, they don't have to have any bitmap to have an impact on the rendering result. Once you add a new layer and dive into it, you'll see color picker with a checkbox. You can assign a material with layer and color (which has USE COLOR checkbox checked) and the model will render out having the color defined in the layer.

    Next option available in the layer is the falloff option. It does what it says - it's adding falloff :) This falloff is based on the direction of a normal. So the closer the normal vector is to being perpendicular to the view direction, the more apparent the effect will be.

    Once you check USE FALLOFF you can use the options available below. The options are:
    Strength: the lower the value the more surface will it cover
    Start: picture this as a starting normal value. The higher the number the more parallel (to the viewing direction) normals will be taken under concern.
    Cutout: the closer to 0 the less visible the effect is. But if you go below 0 with high START value, you can invert the falloff effect.

    USE ON ALPHA does the same thing only with alpha. Skips the color.

    The last addon is MID-TONE OFFSET feature. It works similar to the Photoshop operation of modifying the mid-tone swatch of levels.

    With the color picker you can controll the color of fog produced by the volume material. The falloff effect is very good visible in the Gateway, after being morphed into WarpGate. The black core with a blueish glow around it? That's the falloff effect. Another well known usage is Archon. This time it is an emissive map which is modified so that it's visible only on the "edges" of the model. The falloff effect also is used on displace strength maps to soften the edges of the maps.

    I recommend to just play around with the parameters and try to "feel" them, to know exactly how to use them.

    If you have any question, please, feel free to post it :)
    Special (as tactics) thanks to Mr. println for his time, help and .m3 converters :) Check them out!!

    HF <3

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Showcase]Ghostnova's models

    It looks more like some kind of protoss renegade, an outcast but it's cool :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Ok so create a bone in [0,0,0] and skin the entire model to that bone and it's working just fine. Even if the model is not animated. If you apply skin modifier to a model and choose one bone, every vertex will be skinned by 100% to that bone.

    Also, I recommend welding some of that vertices together :)

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Heh ok can you save it as 2011? :) I don't have an access to 2012 right now :/

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    What max? Could you attach scene?

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Issue

    Which .m3 file are you importing? Make a screenshot and use +ADD ATTACHMENT feature on the bottom of the dialogue where you write replies.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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