• 1.32247090004495

    posted a message on Just a name...(Conquest Map)

    I have a few thoughts, though they're not actual name ideas.


    In a map like this you have two styles of name that you could go with. You could give it a cool, lore-based name that doesn't really tell much about gameplay, but sounds really cool, like your "Shadows of Chaos" idea.


    The other option would be to have a name that doesn't quite sound as cool, but is a little more descriptive. Obviously you don't want it to be too descriptive, but something simple that at least gives you a vague idea of what the theme/gameplay might be like. An example of this is the game "Archers" which is basically a third person One-in-the-chamber game.


    I personally like the second better. When I'm looking for a new map, I am much more interested in a map that is a little more descriptive, and a little less on the epic/lore-sounding name. But that's just me, other people probably have different preferences.


    I don't have any ideas for you if you prefer an epic-sounding name, but if you want a more descriptive name then maybe something like "War for (name of land)", or "The Sieges of..."


    Sorry I don't have any good ideas for you, I'm not good at making up names, but hopefully this will give someone an idea.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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