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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    The map is now published on NA battle.net ! (I added an annotation on the video)

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/nsqA5NWCpDo?fs=1
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    posted a message on GATEWAY_DOWN Error

    I also have the same error. I have no problem with the EU editor but with the US editor, I can not published the same map.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    The wave 1 ends after 3 minutes OR if you have 100k :)

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    @BloodyOrange: Go

    The time. The wave 1 ends after 3 minutes.

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    @BloodyOrange: Go

    This is normal. The map will never be popular because the latency of the keys detection is too bad. I hope (but I highly doubt), that this map will motivate Blizzard to improve this latency.

    @progammer: Go

    Here is the requested video:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/nsqA5NWCpDo?fs=1

    All other informations on the map are here: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/death-baneling/pages/main/

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    The video is coming soon.

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    Hmm I can not publish the map on the US servers. I have a GATEWAY_DOWN error...

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    The map is now published on EU battlenet (US soon). I will make a detailed presentation later.

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    In two days TDB 2.0 welcomes you!

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    Overview 2.0: The Baneling Mode

    As you know the objective of The Death Baneling is to accumulate the more score before dying. This objective is the same in mode 1vs1: It must accumulate the maximum score of more than his adversary. But then in 1vs1 when does the game is finished? What's going in 1vs1 mode when a player dies and not the other? That's where the Baneling Mode arrives.


    In 1vs1 I wanted to finish the game when both players die, but when a player dies and not the other, I did not want the dead player does nothing until the death of another player. So there was only one solution: Occupy the dead player to do something, in this case a mini-game called Baneling Mode.


    This mode begins when a player dies in 1vs1. However, if death occurs during a transition phase, the Baneling Mode does not begin until the next wave. In Solo mode it is not available because the game ends when you die. This mode continues until other player dies.


    For each wave there is a small marking.

    This mark indicates emergence point of the baneling that you will control. When you die the camera moves up to that point and a particular baneling appears: The dark green baneling.

    The other mark for baneling mode is the green line:

    This line indicates the limit up to which you control your baneling. Beyond, the baneling moves straight and dies behind the line of the current wave. This rule was created to prevent abuse (for example put the baneling on the line of the wave and progress laterally to meet the SCV ^ ^). The region around this line can not do appear tumors (it is an item for baneling mode and presented below).


    The objective of this game mode is to control your Baneling for explode on your opponent. Whenever if your Baneling dies, you return to the starting point and a new Baneling appears. The Baneling moves forward automatically except when you order him to move laterally.

    Obviously this Baneling even if it is you who control it, remains a Baneling. Therefore the surprises generated by other player are deadly and should be avoided (when it's possible). It is the same for the transitions. If you are in Baneling mode when a transition phase begins, you are pushed by the wind like the other Banelings (and you die exploded against the opposite wall like the other Banelings).

    Unlike a normal Baneling, your Baneling may enter the forbidden areas. Your Baneling undergoes the same as a scv (aspiration and death).

    Different items visible only by the player in baneling mode can appear during Baneling mode. Those items are called tumors. Take them give you temporary bonuses. These objects all have the same appearance but each has a color associated with a particular bonus. Obviously some are rarer than others. Here are the 6 Bonus available:

    White tumor: Invisibility for 5 seconds

    Tumor Yellow: Small increase in speed, permanent and cumulative effect

    Tumor Red: Large increase in speed for 5 seconds. Removes the effects of the tumor yellow.

    Brown tumor: Moving buried for 5 seconds

    Tumor violet: Your Baneling generates mucus for 15 seconds. Your Baneling is more fast on the mucus. This mucus disappears very slowly.

    Tumor Blue: Illusion permanent takes your appearance and advancing at random (this illusion dies like a classic Baneling).

    Baneling mode and score

    If the player in Baneling Mode has more score than his opponent, then the Baneling Mode does not make score. However, if the player in Baneling Mode has less score than his adversary, he wins 20% of the opponent's score every time he touches him with his Baneling.

    The other sideā€¦

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    @Hookah604: Go

    Only dialogs and photoshop^^

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    Overview 2.0: PvP system

    The weapon generator

    This item is only available in 1vs1 and arrives like this:

    When you pick up this item you get a pvp weapon (chosen randomly from 6 different weapons). You can store up to 3 weapons. If you have 3 weapons in your inventory you can not pick up other weapons. The interface shows your weapons through various vignettes.

    In this example, the interface shows me that I have no arms so I can pick it:

    To use a weapon, simply press the corresponding hotkey to the box where your weapon: "c "to the first box, "v" for the second box and "b " to the last box. When using a weapon there is a 2s cooldown before using another weapon.

    For example:

    In this situation I have 3 weapons in my inventory. If I press "c" I will use the "bad robot" if I press "v" I'll use "the slowness pool" and if I press "b" I will use "the force field".

    Now I go present the 6 weapons of the game.

    The weapons

    All weapons operate on the same principle: Everything is your color is harmless. Anything that is not your color is dangerous or you handicap to avoid banelings. Pvp weapons are prohibited during the transition phases. Other information: Both SCV may intersect.

    The Bombe

    You throw a bomb in your color. It explodes after a certain time. If a SCV that is not the color of the bomb is in the explosion he lost 2 lives.

    The Slowness Pool

    You drop a big pool of your color to your feet. It takes some time. If a SCV that is not the color of the pool passes over it is slowed considerably. The use of a boost can cancel this effect.

    The Link Beam

    A small machine ("the link beam") of your color will appear and follow you everywhere. It remains for some time. There can be only one "link beam" at a time on a single SCV. If a SCV that is not the color of the "link beam" arrives at his range, the "link beam" creates a permanent radius that will link your SCV with target of this link. So long as the SCV targeted is not the color of the "link beam", he will be forced to follow the other SCV (so long as he is in range of "link beam").

    The Force Field

    You create a force field of your color. It takes some time. The SCV that is not the color of the force field can not pass through it.

    The Bad robot

    You send a little robot of your color on the other SCV. There can be only one robot at a time on a single SCV. As soon as the robot is present it will precede the SCV that is not his color. If an item is on his way, he destroys it. Specifically the SCV targeted by the bad robot can not pick up items. The robot is permanent but may be destroyed. He has 5 lives and loses a life every time he takes a baneling.

    Reverse color

    Use this weapon reverses the colors of two SCV. This effect is permanent. So all pvp effects already in play are reversed. For example if you had launched a "force field" and your adversary launches a "reverse color", you find yourself blocked by your own force field (because you're more of its color!)

    Reminder: The map will released Jan. 12 for EU and US servers.

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version
    Quote from mnadeau1992: Go

    For PvP, can players block others with their scv or do they pass through one other like if they were ghost? pathing i mean.

    The overview of pvp system arrives in few hours :)

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    Here is the list of 8 possible behaviors for black banelings:

    - Cannonball

    - Line

    - Lateral

    - Crenel

    - Circular

    - Sinusoidal

    - Spiral

    - Star

    Another clarification: The number of ruby varies depending chosen behaviors. In short, all the transitions are not equal in score. It is the same for difficulty.

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    posted a message on TheDeathBaneling 2.0 + Update old version

    Overview 2.0: Phases of transition

    To pass of wave 1 to wave 2 there is a phase of transition. Also to pass of wave 2 to wave 3. A phase of transition begins after certain time or when at least a player reaches certain amount of score. These phases of transition are characterized by:

    - The blacks banelings make their appearance. They emerge from the ground and they adopt a random movement during all the transition. They can have 8 differents behaviors (6 in the previous version). The players must obviously avoid these banelings.

    - Huge helices begin turning to create a powerful wind which pushes the players and all the creatures forwards. The blacks banelings resist this wind.

    - Contrary to the previous version it is not possible to have banelings which arrive in the back of the players because of the wind.

    - According to the movement adopted by blacks banelings, it can have side barriers of stationary blacks banelings. So the zone of game becomes more limited than usually.

    - Some second before the beginning of a phase of transition, certain number of ruby falls on the ground. During the transition the players have to collect as much as possible of ruby because they will be converted in score at the beginning of the vague following one. A small meter appears to indicate the number of collected ruby.

    - The pvp weapons cannot be used during a phase of transition. Furthermore if a player arrives in first at the vague following one, the other player is teleported at the same wave.

    - A phase of transition is planned to last approximately one minute.


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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