Thank you DrSuperEvil, e_chargeFlagRestoreAllChargesOnCooldown was the solution but not in combination with any of the Cooldown settings weirdly.
I just set Charge - TimeUse to be longer than the total time to drain the weapon of all shots.
The weapon now drains all its shots, waits for a single Charge - TimeUse and thanks to e_chargeFlagRestoreAllChargesOnCooldown fully recharges the charges.
Found it!
It was so obvious after testing.
Thank you DrSuperEvil, e_chargeFlagRestoreAllChargesOnCooldown was the solution but not in combination with any of the Cooldown settings weirdly.
I just set Charge - TimeUse to be longer than the total time to drain the weapon of all shots.
The weapon now drains all its shots, waits for a single Charge - TimeUse and thanks to e_chargeFlagRestoreAllChargesOnCooldown fully recharges the charges.
Thanks again for helping me find the answer.