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    posted a message on Hiding Unit Cost On Tooltip

    I'm gong to bump this one last time in hope of some help.

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    posted a message on Hiding Unit Cost On Tooltip


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    posted a message on Hiding Unit Cost On Tooltip

    Does anyone have any ideas about this? I'd really appreciate it.

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    posted a message on Hiding Unit Cost On Tooltip

    Is there any way to hide the unit costs on the tooltip for the button that trains them? I need to have the custom resource cost hidden while still showing the mineral cost.

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    posted a message on Changing the cancel morph button.

    I'm pretty sure it's under the abilities data type. Click the name of the morph ability, then go to Ability - Commands + and change the button for cancel.

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    posted a message on Add Score When Morphing A Building

    I have an income system on my map based on the score - produce stat and it's all working brilliantly except for one thing.

    The basic setup of the map is that you have a nexus and it's spawning units, every time it spawn a unit you get so much income based on the produce score of the unit. Like I said that all works great. My problem is that I want there to be a button that lets you upgrade the basic nexus into an advanced nexus for spawning better units and when you do that I want it to add a certain amount to the income which would mean making it add to the produce score.

    I currently have it set up using a morph ability but when I have it morph it doesn't apply the score. I tried having it just add to the income variable but that won't work with how I have it set up.

    Is there anything I can do as far as anyone knows or am I better of just having it remove the basic nexus and then spawning the advanced nexus where it was?

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    posted a message on Help With If-Then-Else Statement

    Ah, I was even thinking it might need to be a global variable but didn't try it. That'll teach me. The reason I was having it spawn and then remove a unit is that the units are spawned by players 1-4 from nexuses but need be be controlled by player 9. I also originally had it spawning at both rather than alternating, so I guess your way would make more sense with how I'm trying to make it now, but before I don't think it would have worked before. So basically I'm too lazy to fix it now.

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    posted a message on Help With If-Then-Else Statement

    I have a trigger set up that as far as I can tell should return 1 and 0 alternating but instead it's returning 1 every time. Am I doing something wrong? And is there an easier way to get this working?

    What I'm trying to is when I spawn a unit from a certain structure it removes the unit and creates one in one of two regions alternating between the two each time.

            Unit - Any Unit Enters TopBuildingSpawn
        Local Variables
            SpawnLocation = 0 <Integer>
            ((Triggering unit) is invulnerable) != true
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    SpawnLocation != 0
                    Unit - Create 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) for player 9 at (Random point in BottomUnitSpawn1) facing 90.0 degrees (No Options)
                    Variable - Set SpawnLocation = 0
                    Unit - Create 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) for player 9 at (Random point in BottomUnitSpawn2) facing 90.0 degrees (No Options)
                    Variable - Set SpawnLocation = 1
            Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem With Regenerating Charges

    So, any ideas?

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    posted a message on Problem With Regenerating Charges

    I'm trying to make a map similar to the WC3 Hero Line Wars maps but I've hit a bit of a roadblock.

    I'm trying to make a nexus that is used for spawning creeps, and I've got all of that working fine, but I want each creep spawning button to have a limited number of charges that refill over time.

    My problem is that while I've got the charge limit set fine and everything I can't get it to refill correctly. I tried using Charge - Time Start but that didn't seem to do anything so I tried Charge - Time Use which seemed to work at first but rather than adding a charge every second it takes one second for the first charge to refill, and then two for the second, three for the third and so on.

    So am I doing something wrong or what? Is there some option I'm missing?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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