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    posted a message on Unit veterancy

    I found what was wrong.

    If u're creating new map is automatically set to to melee (melee maps automaticaly does not support veterancy and other stuff).

    So u have to remove Trigger: Melee - Set default melee options for all players.

    After u remove that it works :D yaaayyyy :D ^^

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    posted a message on Unit veterancy

    I have immortal as testing unit , and I'm killing zerlings.

    Editor has set zergling exp to 5 by default, so I changed it to 6 exp and still nothing happened :-S

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Unit veterancy


    I don't know where to ask these theme, so I will ask here.

    I'm trying to do my own unit veterancy map for me and my friends.

    I did behavior called LVL and chaged it to veterancy. For test I give 5 lvl's. For each lvl unit gets 10% Attk. speed and 2x damage multipiler.

    Then I added behavior to unit and i runt SC to test map. And when I kill unit my Unit does not get exp? it says level 1 (0/100 exp) kills:5.

    Why is that happening?

    (editor version 2.1.5 HotS)

    Posted in: General Chat
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