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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Negative Triggering Player Value?

    @hobbidude: Go

    Thanks for the info, I'm guessing -1 is basically null value then. After looking further into this I realized I was also only using local records. I never instantiated global versions. Since making the relevant changes, this is now working =D. Now I understand why I couldn't reference my records from Event Definitions I tried. I had initially thought to make a "generic" quest / objective giver trigger. I will give this another shot now. Thanks again.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Negative Triggering Player Value?

    Hi All,

    Having recently watched the Objectives tutorial from OneTwo, and reading up on the benefits of Records. I've tried to make use of them. I have had some level of success, however an interesting issue has occurred, when I tried to progress between the quests, and wanted to setup a radius of unit detection similar to the one seen in OneTwo's video but using Records. The second part of the quest just wouldn't trigger. After adding some debug messages in the form of text messages, I believe the issue is that when I use Test Document, my "Triggering Player" value seems to be -1. I cannot make sense of this from anything I've found on Google, and you get the array doesn't support negative value error, as a result my corresponding array index is out of sync.

    I initially thought it might be due my adjustment of Players, I removed "0 Neutral", however after restoring defaults and fixing the corresponding parts of the map. I am seeing the same issue.

    The attached link is a copy of my map in it's current state. If you select Medic, and wait for the default event to complete, you will see the issue, I'm trying to get a new objective to appear once "a player" gets within a reasonable distance of the civilian).

    Marine Survival 0.1

    Possible thoughts I've had:

    1) Is Triggering Player known to be unreliable? (if so are there any alternative approaches?)

    2) Do you have to set your triggering player somewhere in the Editor?

    3) My Math is gone wrong somewhere <_<

    4) Some Editor concept I don't know about is breaking it?

    Once again, thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions/fixes, to help shrink the haystack I need to find the needle in, are much appreciated.



    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom Hero UI Priority? [SOLVED]

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Thanks for the feedback, I had planned to go through all the suggestions. However, you hit the nail on the head, with the attack ability. I didn't realize this was a requirement for the basic attack to actually operate, I thought it was just do manually targeting.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Hero UI Priority? [SOLVED]

    Hi All,

    I've recently started using the SC2 Map Editor, after having tried in a while back and being put off the complexity. I've stuck at it a bit longer. Using OneTwo's tutorials as a guide for many of the things I've been playing around with. First I created a custom hero (Marine), set up some spawns and tried using veteracy and attributes. This seems to have been successful. So I tried this again with the Combat Engineer. With the end goal of getting to the point where I could make use of OneTwo's Hero Selector tutorial. Took a bit longer to get up and running, but seems to be successful. Motivated my the successes so far I decided try and make a Medic hero, (to fulfill the DPS, Support, Builder) roles I had planned for my map. So once more I created a hero based it off the Medic unit. This posed a new problem for me. There was no attack. After some research on Google, I discovered this was linked to Weapons and their effects. So I copied a working affect from the core game, and made a duplicate weapon. Associated the two and gave it to the Medic. This is what I understood as needed to be done to get it working. However, I discovered my Medic was still unable to attack. So I mucked around with the Editor some more, pretty much googling, and mimicking more effect settings and so forth of a working weapon. After much trial and error. I seem to have got this working, although now that I've tried so many permutations of settings I don't know which one fixed it. (very frustrating). However I am at least able to make progress now. (After a total of 5h) Yay!

    Upon trying to reverse some of my changes to identify the solution I had stumbled across. I noticed that my Medic's Armor tool-tip is displayed before the weapon that I've finally got to work. I assumed this was somehow linked to UI priority, but have been unable to find any conclusive information from my Googling (no doubt using the wrong keywords). Furthermore as everybody seems to copy a Unit already with an attack when creating custom units (not that I can blame them after all this lol). I was hoping some kind soul, could perhaps enlighten me as to why this happening. Or point me in the direction of a relevant tutorial that can provide the answers I seek?

    If you are feeling especially generous, an explanation on how link a weapon to a non-weapon unit would be mighty appreciated. As I've been unable to replicate my random success in this. Clearly my understanding on this topic is lacking, and I'd like to iron out my fundamentals before I tackle tougher subjects. i.e. Abilities.

    As I work on a help desk I appreciate that more information dramatically helps the troubleshooting process. As such the link below points to my Dropbox location with a copy of my map in it's current state:

    Marine Survival Map v0.1

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    Posted in: Data
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