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    posted a message on Recovering units after diseaster.


    I have made a proper copy of my unit long time ago. Had two similiar units all working fine untill today, when i have made 3rd copy by duplicating and selecting only actors (withought effects or anything else), i have deleted the 3rd unit later anyway, but now im stuck with my 2 old copies without any sounds in game :/ Is there a way to fix it somehow? There must be.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do i change the forum name?

    Is there some way?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on "Falrinth's The Thing" early beta tests

    @Azzaaer: Go

    I have released it now to public beta tests.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Change building's space requirements

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Bumping in hope someone will know how to scale or disable this ugly shadow.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Players numbers missmatch


    I have a map with 12 player slots + 1 slot for ai player

    When i set in lobby to have:

    player1: myself
    player2: ai
    player3: empty
    player12: empty

    in game player 3 is having controll type changed to "computer", and when i check who is in group of active players im getting result:


    Why computer set in variants AND having this slot working correctly in the lobby as the one having 13th slot, is being changed to first empty slot after the occupied slots (in this case: player3), leaving player 13 controlled only by triggers? (Units belonging to player 13 still walks, attacks, and respons to alliance changes)

    Is there some way to make it constant or its the new super feature of bnet 0.2?

    I have made a triggers that remove units of players that are not controlled by either computer or human player (kind of anto-leaver triggers), and this bug makes them bugged aswell.

    Seeing that player 13 units are working flawlessly with all the triggers even tho the computer controlling them was moved by bnet to player3 slot, gave me idea that i dont need 13th slot being controlled by the computer... I will just make them "Hostile". So I can fix my triggers, but still its so damn wrong that the slots numbers are being swapped just lke that in bnet game creation.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to show players in specific player group variable?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    How about command that would show controll type of a player slot? I.e.:

    event: chat message "player1" action: shows controll type ( user, computer, none)

    something like that. Is it possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Variations cannot be changed O.o

    @Molsterr: Go

    When i set it to "premade" then the teams are totally messed up. And in variants you cannot set premade teams to be 2 teams, 1st team to 12 players and 2nd to 1 player.

    edit: Things like teams etc works... but cannot for example this damn color.

    It looks exactly like the editor would not send the overwrited data for the color variant. (and god knows which ones else). And maybe thats why the publishing time takes sometimes normall time and sometimes 1 second... this "smart overwriting" of the published maps seems to be bugged.

    edit: btw what exactly meansa "premade game" here in editor? edit2: maybe just these colors variations are not implemented right. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Variations cannot be changed O.o

    (i meant "game variants" - not "variations" :)) Hey guys.

    I have a problem with my map. I have variations set really nice way, so in the lobby everything looks as it should. I had a little mistake that player 12 was teal, player 11 purple and so on (the colors were opposite direction with the player numbers). I have changed them to be player 1 red, player 2 blue, 3 teal and so on, and in the game they are still the old way... Like i woudlnt change anyhing. Whats wrong with this editor? Why i cannot change my custom variations that i coudl change before? Even in player properties player3 is teal, in variations its teal, eveyrwhere its teal but not in the lobby and the game.

    I suspect this to be reason of other problem that rised for my map: When there are only 2 players + 1 (player13 ai), player 3 is suddenly being created in the game (even tho he was not in the lobby) and he takes the color o player13 that is also in the game with same color (they are not allied tho). How can i know if variations are the reason if they refuse to influence the game anyhow when i change them?

    • facepalm*
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to show players in specific player group variable?

    @s3rius: Go

    nice, thank you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How exactly these triggers works?

    @s3rius: Go

    thanks guys

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How exactly these triggers works?

    @dgh64: Go

    You sure about it?

    btw. Another question that i would like to have a sure nswer is:

    If player leaves the controller is set to "none", "neutral", "computer" or some other?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How exactly these triggers works?

    Will the trigger looking like:

    event: any unit dies
    condition: number of live units == 0
    then: do action

    ...work flawlessly? Does it check the condition after the unit died, or while its dying, so when it can still be counted as alive unit? So basically is it checking condition in before or after the event happens? We know that there is no state between 1 and 0 when it comes to unit being alive or dead, so will it count is as dead, alive or random thing between these two states depending on the timing?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to show players in specific player group variable?

    I need such thign for testing purposes. I have plenty of triggers that adds and removes players form specific groups in variables, and would like to see if it works properly. Is there a way to make a trigger that would list all players in specific group whenever i type i.e. "-show group1" ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Easiest way to create +x.x dmg increase per kill?

    @Titen42: Go

    Yep, it works. Thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Easiest way to create +x.x dmg increase per kill?

    @Titen42: Go

    Nice! Thanks a lot! :) its working! :)

    Hmm... is there a way to copy the behavior state from removed unit and add it to created unit? Cause im using the sstem of transformation in my map that is removeing units and creating new ones - it would be pain if these players would have to stack the buff again.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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