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    posted a message on Make queen build ability, lay eggs that turns into banelings.

    Hello guys.

    Im planning to add to my custom unit a queen build ability (like spawning creep tumors). And then i would like to make it be able to spawn eggs that will morph over lets say 100 seconds into banelings. I have experimented a bit but i cant get this particular effect to work... Im stuck with instant baneling unit being spawned in like 3 seconds, with ugly animation of static banelings being scaled from like 5% to 100% and thats it :/

    Could you please advise me, (and please keep it simple for me, cause im nto very advanced data editor's user) step by step, how to make it work with the desired effect?

    I will descirbe effect again:

    1. My unit goes to targeted place
    2. Unit spawns baneling cocoon (animated egg)
    3. The cocoon is growing over 100 seconds
    4. Baneling unit comes out of the cocoon.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who will be able to guide me trough the process.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Sensor Tower mark also burrowed units?

    @Jinxxx123: Go

    I also think it might be some bug... notihng works :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Sensor Tower mark also burrowed units?

    @Jinxxx123: Go

    Told you that i have both of these filters fixed to show it all, with no avail... :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Sensor Tower mark also burrowed units?

    @Jinxxx123: Go

    Cant find "search" filters, nor "apply behavior" filters. Can you guide me to them?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make Sensor Tower mark also burrowed units?

    edit: Just noticed that i do see allies and neutrals now.. The problem was just with burrowed units... Why it do not want to show it even tho it have detection range same as radar range and detection filters set to reveal burrowed and cloaked units? It just wont show this red mark on them :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on max. number of selected units?

    Hey. Is there a way to create a cap of max. amoutn of selected units at a time?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help with anti-leavers trigger

    @b0ne123: Go

    aaahhh... there is such thing as status == left the game... :)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help with anti-leavers trigger
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    at the game beginning i would check every players status

    But how do you do that? thats the thing i would like to know. :P

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help with anti-leavers trigger

    Hey guys.

    I have problem and dont know how to solve it, cause events like:

    Player - Player Any Player leaves the game with Any

    just doesnt work for the players that leaves... i think it only works when someone win or get defeated and rest is still playing. When player just quit the game it do not trigger :/ Do you have some idea how to make it work?

    thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Set unit's scale based on unit's current hp

    @Jackolas: Go

    THanks, and sorry i forgot to write the event. Its firing each time any units hp changes. And i believe its the reason why im getting this error. And the most important to me is to get answer how to make it put less stress on the game and avoid this errors flood.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Any idea why this simple trigger doesnt work?
    any player leaves
            Player - Player Any Player leaves the game with Any
        Local Variables
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player (Triggering player) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game

    It simply doesnt work... the abandoned unit remains on the map and it's allies have the controll over it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Set unit's scale based on unit's current hp

    Hey, is there a way to make units bigger based on their hp?

    Im using such trigger:

             any unit's life changes
        Local Variables
                    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == MyUnit
            70 <= ((Triggering unit) Life (Current)) <= 71
            Unit - Set (Triggering unit) scale to (140.0%, 140.0%, 140.0%) of its original size

    and so on, for every level of their scale. But after a while when there is plenty of these units, im getting red errors saying somehting about "to many threads". Is there some better way to do that withotu risk of getting such errors?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [EU] Looking for programmer to "Falrinth's The Thing" dev. team.

    Hey everyone.

    Im looking for someone very skilled with galaxy editor's triggers and data's side (and some experience with programming overall), and some dose of free time to work actively on the map with us.

    The basement for the map is already programmed, and the beta tests are open and quite popular.

    Recently i have teamed up with FatMosquito who is working now on the audio side of the game, and Detectable who is very good with these programming enviroment, but he suddenly disapeared and cant contact him (hope he is coming back soon tho) so i need 2nd person who will be available to carry on the programming work this proffesional way (my triggerswork is too basic for the new features we have planned, and i woudlnt like to mess this nice proffesional order :)) while Det is unreachable (and later cooperate with him when hes back), cause this new patch is highly anticipated by people that plays version 1.xx. And the only naturall reaction of lack of this anticipated update will be loss in popularity or travel into oblivion which i would like to avoid for this project :)

    So basically im looking for an enthusiast that will have fun working on map same way as i do.

    All i can say to make your decision easier is that the part of triggers (most of them) that Det has been redoing are really in perfect order and easily understundable for everyone who would like to carry on with them.

    From rewards point of view, the only thing i can offer is being known as part of the team that gonna pull this map into the top positions on the list and i guess i can promise you a lot of satisfaction that i already have while seeing people likes this creation.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on How ot make Fungal Growth work on all units?

    ...not just on enemy units?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Recovering units after diseaster.

    @Azzaaer: Go

    I wonder why in this editor by duplicating unit you can make the original unit broken... It is understundable that the duplicated unit may malfunction if you duplicate it wrong way, but why the original unit is being affected? :/

    edit: ok i managed to make my old 2 unit copies work again by deleting all the actors' copies that should not be there. Still the editor at this point disapoints me a lot.

    Posted in: Data
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